Chapter Twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-four


[three weeks later ]

I still haven't received any calls from Jake. What's wrong with him? This isn't the Jake I had fallen in love with. Or this is his true self?

I shake my head off any thoughts of Jake as I look at my self in the mirror, smiling at my reflection.

Its my high school prom night. Finally. And no one not even Jake will make me feel bad on my special day.

I take a quick selfie for my Instagram and walk out of my room. My mom is on the stairs with my aunty and cousins. She takes me a quick shot of me in my dress.

"Where's your date Mat? " Jason, my little cousin asked before his mom covers his mouth.

I chuckle slightly. " i- I really --" I'm cut off by a familiar voice causing us all to spin, facing the door.

"he's here " Jake says, walking towards me with a  little flower in a box in his hands. Why is he in a tux? Why does his tux match my Burgundy dress? Wait is he my... ?

" yes matilda, will you go to prom with Me? Or rather will you let me take you to your prom? " Jake fills in for me.

I just stand there looking at him with wide eyes. I'm sure as hell I look stupid right now.

" come on mat, say yes or remain miserable " Jason chips in, pushing me slightly towards Jake.

" is that flower for me? " I ask Jake shyly.

" yes, it is " Jake retorts, taking the flower out of its box and putting it on my wrist.

I admire the Burgundy Daisy corsage on my wrist.

" is that a yes? " Shelly and Jason chip in unison this time.

" yes, I'll be your prom date... It was late tho " I glare at Jake playfully.

Mom takes out picture and Jake drives us to school in his red Porsche.

Speaking of going to prom in class.

" why didn't you call? " I question him on our ride to school.

" I know, I haven't been the best boyfriend, I'm sorry about that Matilda, I know you walked in on Stacy and I but I want you to know she forced the kiss on me. You know I can never cheat on you. I love you Matilda Samantha Winston and I'll never do anything to hurt you. " he rants.

" but you lied to me " I push further, clearly enjoying him sweet-talk me.

" oh about that, I'm sorry, I didn't know how to present it to you an 'I kissed your friend?'  hell no. I wanted to tell you but I didn't want you to know that way. Well you already knew but still. I'm sorry my love. And about not calling, I lost me phone and I had problems at school which I have settled and I just got a new phone yesterday. I forgot your prom but I remembered yesterday too after retrieving my data on this new phone. I'm Sorry. I most definitely could not let you be alone on your prom. I- "

I cut him off by placing my lips on his, soft lips. Really sweet lips.

And that's how you shut a hot guy up.

Point matilda!

I pull away, noticing we had come to a halt in my school driveway.

Jake gets down from the car and rushes to open the door for Me. I let him beat me to that just cause he's sorry for all he did to me.

I mean I forgive him you know, or else he would have ended up like people in Miami during the coke war in the 80's.

Wow, Mat!

We proceed towards the building with so much lights on it. Walking down the Isle, with my sweet prom date by my side, hands intertwined. The door opens at our presence and the music fill the quite night.

We walk down the halls towards the gym. The halls are even noisier being that the music comes from the gym.

Wow! Holy mother of fucks!

My mouth drops to the floor when we step into the gym. The dirty gym. Sweaty-guys gym. Is looking so-...

"angelic? " Jake chips in, smirking as we come to a stop.

He turns me to face him, looking down to my face, into my eyes. 'Causing my cheeks to flame up.

" hey guuuuurrrrllllfriend! " I hear Janette coo from beside and I turn to see her and Jordan heading towards us. She pulls me into a hug and i mentally face Palmed myself when realization hit me, that my bestie and I didn't get to dress up in the same room on our prom night.

" wanna get our pictures taken? " Jake interrupts. Jane and I pull away and grab our dates leading them to where we'd get our pictures taken.

Oh our moms will so cherish this.

Slow music comes on and Jake leads me to the middle of the dance floor.
Where we kinda run into miss-eating-my-boyfriend's-face.

Stacy. Puke!

She looks pretty tho, as usual. Wearing a dress which has a low neck revealing a lot of cleavage there. At least the hem of the dress is pulled down to cover enough booty from the eyes of those who are not interested.

An air grows between us and I pull Jake down and plant a kiss on his lips. He kisses back more passionately and I see Stacy leave from my side.

Perfect by Ed Sheeran fills the room.

Jake pulls me by my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck as he slowly and steadily leans down a little so he could be looking into my eyes properly.

I sway my hips to the song and I feel his grip tighten. We dance for what felt like seconds but time stands still when I look into his eyes.

Looking at this hunk of handsomeness, I made up my mind that if I was going to lose my virginity, it would definitely be to this guy. This guy who I love and clearly loves me too.

When the music switches to jazz, we notice the crowed cooing at us and the guys whooping. A round of applause is being thrown at us,causing me to hide my blush in Jake's suit jacket.

I love you Matilda.

I Love you too Jake.

Hey guys! This was some chapter don't you think? I had fun typing it because I remember my prom and how I didn't get to enjoy it to the last but oh well I'm done with high school!!

Kindly vote and comment.. Oh yeah follow me!, *wipes a tear from my cheek *

I still love you tho.

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