Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven


The rest of the week went by quickly and my exams were not bad at all, tomorrow we receive our report card and vacate for summer.

I wonder if Jake will still tutor me during the holidays.

I'm at Jordies with the boys chilling

I mean watching them play video games at an annoying volume and eating a bag of chips.

Jane went to the market with her mom and will join us later.

Kyle Games : a jock, who is a fuckn player with his perverted good looks.

Quits the game to come sit with me on the sofa.

He slumps into the sofa beside me with a dirty smirk on his lips. He places his hand on my exposed thigh.

"Hey pretty face " his voice coming out husky and his eyes glinting with lust as he folds his lower lip into his mouth.

I just force a smile which fades immediately and stuff my face with chips.

I realize his still has a grip of my thigh and I slap his hand off.

He smirks and plants a sloppy kiss on my cheek before rejoining the boys.

I froze, don't know if it's disgust or tingles I felt as his perfectly chiseled face and soft lips touched my face.

I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts hoping that won't happen again.

Jane walks in.

And immediately walks to the TV to turn it off.

I like her authority.

The boys groan at her action and she shoots them a glare which shuts them up.

I'm hysterics about this.

"let's play truth or dare guys " she announces dipping her hand in her bag and placing bottles of Tequila.

We sit In a circle with an empty bottle in the center. Each of us had a cup of tequila.

Alcohol is the way to a boy's heart.

Jordan spins the bottle....

... We are eight in number three girls and five boys... I'm sat opposite kyle, Jane opposite Jordan, Jack opposite Will, Stacy opposite Kendrick.

... After spinning for a few seconds which felt like hours landed on jack which meant Jordan gets to ask him.

"truth or dare? "

" dare" he smirks.

"I dare you to makeout with Stacy a whole five minutes "

Jack gets up and crawls over to where Stacy was sat... Stacy obviously happy about such opportunity..


He cups her face staring deep into her eyes and averts his eyes to her lips as he parted his making her part hers and her eyes shut. He tilts his head slightly leaning closer, brushing his lips against her not connecting yet and Stacy, being Stacy closes the gap. Their lips move in sync. They do this for a whole six minutes.

I thought it was five?

Jack's hand trailing down to her hip deepening the kiss and I clear my throat which makes them pull away.

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