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Sousuke's POV

"Yo Sousuke I'm going for a run okay?" Rin said to me pulling on his trainers. 

"I'll come with you" I said 

"Really?" Rin asked surprised I nodded and changed into some running clothes. We then left. We ran in silence.

"Seriously dude don't think you have to keep up with me" Rin said inbetween pants.

"Have to do this now and again so I don't go all squishy. Keeps my metabolism at full boar" I replied keeping up with his pace.

"Whatever works for ya" Rin said smiling we stopped as we reached the outside of the pool hearing the water splashing.

"What?" Rin questioned confused walking towards the window. I followed him and saw Ai  swimming.

"Is that...?" 

"Hey if he keeps that up he might just make the cut after all" Rin said smiling. I continued to watch Ai swim.

"Rin?" I asked "What's more important to you going solo or swimming relay?" 

"Huh?" Rin asked confused by mhm sudden question "well I guess they're both equally important"

I sighed I thought he would say that "Times not on your side if you want to compete at an international level" I said "you gotta cut the fat every minute you spend with you buddies hammers a nail into your coffin for a solo career."

"Dreams before friends that the way it has to be. You can have a go at the big shot or you can play nice with everybody."

Rin looked shocked for a second the said "it's not that cut and dry. The only reason I have a shot is because of the people who helped me get here. I would have given up without them. I'm only here because of my friends. I mean still want a solo career one day but swimming with them gives me strength and a purpose."

I gasped "yeah go ahead call me naive but I feel if I have to choose between them then what's the point of either. I want a shot at the big time and at relay. If I'm willing to bust my ass making that's a reality what's it to you?" He questioned pissed.

I clenched my fist. Dammit Rin why couldn't he see that all I wanted was to swim with him. "Cos I..." I tried to say hesitatingly "I want you to think of me as part of your team"

"Wait what are you saying?" Rin asked confused

"I want in. Put me on relay" I said looking him in the eye.

"Dude doesn't that go against your whole philosophy?" Rin asked I thought back to the last time Rin and I had swum a relay together. We had lost all because of me.

"Our goals are to different for you and me to be on the same team"

I remembered the betrayed look on Rin's face.

"Back then yeah that's what's thought I was just a dumb kid. But now I'm not so sure" I said confused "I need to figure this out maybe relay is how. Sometimes you don't know what you're looking for until you've got it. Sometimes you just swim to far ahead." I said 

That's what I had done I had gotten way ahead of myself and pushed myself to far then I wouldn't have gotten injured.

"DAMMIT. Do I have to spell it out for you. YOU MADE A PROMISE TO DO EXACTLY WHAT I SAID DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT BACKING OUT NOW" I said desperate "because..."

Rin sighed then said "I can't promised that you will find yourself that's not how it works there is no guarantee. I'm afraid you're on your own there"

I looked down he didn't get it I didn't need to find myself I just needed to swim with him again before I quit swimming.

"Yeah I know" I mumbled 

"But..." Rin said I looked up surprised "I'll do what I can to steer a friend in the right direction."

Friend. That's all I'll ever be to him a friend.

"I hold the Samezuka record for both butterfly and freestyle. So if you think swimming relay will be some spiritual awakening you will have to earn it"

"So if I'm hearing you right you will accept me on the relay team if I beat you in a race" I said facing growing hard with determination "let's do it old times"

"Yeah well don't get to cocky pal things change" Rin said 

I thought back to all of the times I had beaten him when we were kids. A small smile grew on my face. 

"Let's do this then" Rin said.

Time Skip

"We're doing butterfly 100m" Rin said

I got ready to dive as did Rin "Ready?" Rin asked we then dived in as the clock reached the 60 second mark.

I pulled my arms threw the water propelling me forward I had to win. If I did then I could swim relay with Rin. For once the pain in my shoulder seemed to disappear as I pushed harder and harder to keep up with Rin.

Rin was ahead of me but by the turn we were neck and neck I reached out slamming my hands onto the wall.

"Yeah" I yelled as I had won.

Rin pulled off his swim cap the next looked up at me "see that's what I'm talking about when I say passion" Rin said smiling

I looked at him "the perfect combination of power and desire. Any doubts I had before are pretty much all gone. Nice going Sousuke" he said

I smiled "Thanks Rin so am I on the relay team?"

"Yeah" Rin said "lets got get dry" 

I nodded. 

Time Skip 

Rin's POV

"Good work out there" Ai said admiring as I got out of the pool. Sousuke was standing there as well looking me up and down.

"What is it Sousuke?" I asked confused

"Well you look more toned than you usually do" Sousuke complimented 

"Your right he does" Ai agreed

"Well I'm trying out a new training regiment. It's working out pretty well" I told them

"So cool someone as good as you keeps trying to get better" Ai said in awe

"Course I do always if you don't put in the time you don't get to the international level. Right Sousuke?" I asked looking for him to agree with me.

"Uhhh yeah that's right" Sousuke hesitated I looked at him slightly worried. "Something bothering you?" I asked concerned 

He shook his head "I'm fine Rin" he said then dived in I watched him swim butterfly. He had gone back to his old self for a brief moment when we raced last night but now he was acting all closed off and distant.

I don't know what wasn't wrong with him. But I was determined to find out.

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