Unofficial Relay

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Sousuke POV

Rin was on the phone with Makoto talking about some relay race. Rin was finally done and said "you wanna go get something to eat?" 

I nodded and we walked to the cafeteria. Once we had sat down I asked "So what are you gonna do?"

"I'll tell you this they're a care free bunch it drives me nuts" he said 

"Yeah you complain but we both know your gonna do it" I said Rin sighed hating that I knew him so well.

"So who are you gonna take with you?" I asked 

"Well it's not like it's an official match getting people to race will be a bitch." He said annoyed

"Count me in" I said immediately Rin nearly choked on his food in shock

"Wait seriously?" He asked shocked 

"Sure why not" I replied shrugging to make it seem like I didn't care. 

"I'll do Freestyle" I said wanting to race Haru to see if I could beat him.

"That's fine by me. You sure you don't wanna go with butterfly though?" He asked 

"I feel like expanding my area of expertise"  I lied the truth was it hurt less to do freestyle.

Time Skip 

Rin's POV

"Come on" I groaned impatiently checking my watch for the third time in the last minute. Sousuke and I were waiting for the rest of the really team to arrive. 

I looked at Sousuke who was leisurely lying down resting his head on his bag. "Bad news" Nitori cried running up to us. 

Nitori told me that the fourth member of the relay team couldn't come as they got detention.

"Dammit" I growled 

"We can't do a relay with just the three of us" Sousuke said sitting up.

"What are we gonna do?" Nitori asked desperately 

"I'll just go twice" Sousuke said "it's not an official race so we can fudge the rules a bit"

I sighed "it might not be official but it's still a race. There's no point doing it if we're not going to take it seriously"

"Momotaro Mikoshiba hurry up" a group of boys yelled from behind us

Mikoshiba? It couldn't be.

I grabbed the boy running past us and asked "you're Mikoshiba's little brother?"

"Yeah so what?" The boy responded 

"Do you swim backstroke as well as your brother?" I asked

"Yeah it's my specialty back home they called me the otter" he said grinning

"I know this is late notice bu-" I said but was interrupted by him saying

"If this is about me joining the swim team I'm not interested. You think ladies want that?" he said

"I'm not asking you to join the swim team. But if you want ladies attention I think I can help you there" I said 

Time Skip

"You liar you made it sound like we were going somewhere there would be chicks" Momo cried 

"Shut up" I growled "there are kids in here watch it on the pg 13 crap" 

I turned around about to ask Sousuke for help. But he wasn't there "hey where did Sousuke run off to?" I asked Nitori

"No clue he was here just a minute ago" he replied 

"Let me go" Momo yelled

"Hey big brother" Gou yelled running towards us 

Mojo stopped struggling and said "wait a minute I might be in love"

"Oh no" I groaned

"Rin we really appreciate you guys coming" Makoto said greeting us

"No problem" I said back

I suddenly heard footsteps behind me and turned to see Sousuke walking in I looked at him about to ask where he had been but he was glaring at Haru. The strange thing was Haru was glaring right back.

"Oh Sousuke" Gou squealed happily 

That seemed to snap Sousuke out of whatever he was doing "Woah Gou it seems like I haven't seen you in forever."

"Should we know him?" Rei asked

"Yeah he's an old friend of Rinny's they used to go to school together" Nagisa said smiling.

Sousuke's POV

"Something I can help you with or are you just gonna stand there?" Haru asked picking up a water

"Hey long time nanase" I said "So I saw what happened at the relay at regionals last year" I said getting straight to the point.

"I didn't know you were there" Haru said 

"I had nothing better to do" I lied "I gotta tell you what you and your boys pulled out there was insane I can't believe Rin played along" I said laughing slightly.

"You going somewhere with this or what?" Haru asked coldly

I laughed again "I would have never made him do something so crazy" I said going serious.

I could see Haru tense "What are you saying?" He asked

I walked towards him so close that his back was pushed up against the vending machine. 

"If you know what's good for you you will stay out of Rin's way" I said then left.

Time Skip

I watched Momo and Nitori swim. Rin chatted competively with iwatobi but I stayed quiet. I watched as Rin dived in and instantly started to catch up Rei.

"Wow Rin's fast" Makoto commented.

I got up onto the diving platform and prepared to dive in. I watched Haru dive in as Rin still swam. 

But I dived in and swam catching up with Haru by the turn we were neck and neck. I felt my shoulder twinge and I gasped falling behind. 

I pushed threw the pain and desperately tried to overtake but by the time we had both climbed out of the pool, Iwatobi had won.

I couldn't believe I had let Rin down. I really am done with swimming.

"Heads up" Rin called to me as he flung a towel at my head.

"Thanks for coming to this thing I wouldn't have wanted to do it without you" Rin said gratefully. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I replied "no problem"

At that moment I decided that I wouldn't give up until Rin and I had won a relay together.

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