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Sousuke POV

"Hey Rin if I remember correctly your more of a bottom bunk kind of guy" I said as Rin walked into our new room.

"Yeah but I have a feeling so are you" he said smirking knowing what was going to happen next.

He cracked his knuckles and I rolled my neck standing up "let's go" we said preparing for Rock Paper Scissors. But Rin knocked a piece of paper and it drifted threw the air I caught it and read it out loud.

"Iwatobi fest?" I questioned

"Oh yeah Gou sent that to me" Rin said shrugging 

"It's today are you not going?" I asked confused 

"I don't have time for that stuff" he said flopping down on the bottom bunk.

"Hey you gotta go see her sometimes it makes her sad when you get all withdrawn and distance. Can't  blame her really." I said understanding how she felt. Rin looked up at my face seeing that I had revealed to much about how I felt.

Rin opened his mouth to say something but then Momo and Ai burst into our room Momo energetically asked "who are you talking about Gou?"

"I feel if I were you I would get your butt into the pool" Rin said pushing Momo out of the room by the face. Ai followed and I just sighed in relief as Rin would forget to ask about what's I had said.

"Yo Sou you coming?" Rin asked poking his head back threw the door.

I nodded smiling at the use of my old nickname. 

I stood up and walked to the door following Rin to the pool.

Time Skip 

Rin's POV

I was lying on the bottom bunk in Sousuke's and I's room because we did a Rock Paper Scissor match after swimming practice and I had won.

Poor Sousuke never seemed to understand that he was so predictable. I sighed.

I reached over to the desk where a box from Rei was he had made me some cookies as a thank you I took a bite and cringed at how sweet they were.

"Hey Rin can you look over my training regiment for tomorrow?" Momo asked rushing into my room

He suddenly stopped and looked down at me "woah cleavage" he said staring down at my top. "Shut up" I growled.

"Woah what are those? Some kind of homemade cookie or something?" He asked excitedly 

I sighed "why do you want one?" I was actually gonna give them to Sousuke as he had such a sweet tooth but giving Momo one wouldn't hurt.

I handed him a cookie and he took it happily kissing it. Weird. "Oh man that is so good" he said praying.

"Can I have another one?" He said already reaching for the box 

"Didn't you hear me I said one" I said coldly taking the box away

He tried to grab the box but I pushed him away using my foot "Stingy" he said still attempting to grab the box.

I glanced at my watch and gasped "crap gotta go" I said to Momo I didn't realise it was so late. "Wait where are you going?" He asked 

"Out" I replied reaching the door. "Oh and Momo don't touch my cookies"

Time Skip

"Good now uses your hips to balance and inhale when you take a stroke" I told Rei, holding him up, as he attempted back stroke.

"Ready?" I asked 

"Yeah" he said and then I let go. He kicked for a few strokes and managed to stay above water.

"Good job man you did it. Let's do the breast stroke next what do you say?" I said swimming to where Rei was.

"I would say heck yeah" Rei replied

"Thank you so much for helping me it must be tiresome having to deal with me everyday" Rei said thankfully.

"No problem anyway after everything I guess I would say I owe you" I replied thinking back to how Haru and the rest of them made me fall in love with the water again.

"What?" Rei asked

"Forget it let's move onto breakstroke" I said changing the subject. 

The lesson continued and I just ignored seeing Makoto, Haru, Nagisa and Gou staring a time us through the window.

Time Skip

I showered then returned to my room seeing Sousuke lying on the top bunk.

"I can't  believe you're doing this everyday" he said taking out his earbuds

"Shut up" I said back drying my hair the towel "We're on different teams but we're still friends." I said

I knew Soususke would never understand about a relay team and I didn't mind that much. But he didn't need to criticise me racing relay.

Sousuke peered over the top of the bunk silently "anyway watching him leave it all out there like that makes me want to train harder and get better too." I added

"Cos your doing it all for them right?" Sousuke said his tone changing to one I didn't recognise.

I ignored the question and said "anyway today was the last day no joke he worked his tail off" I said looking out the window smiling at how hard Rei worked.

Sousuke turned away and didn't respond. "Sou?" I asked confused 

After a few seconds he said coldly "well I'm glad...Rin"

"Hey Sou what's wrong?" I asked confused by his strange behaviour.

"Nothing just forget it" he said 

"I'm not just going to forget it you're acting weird" I said 

"Rin just leave it alone okay" he said putting his earbuds back in.

Why was he acting like this?

Sousuke's POV

I rolled over in order to him my face hoping Rin wouldn't pry any further. I hated that he looked up to Haru and worshipped the Iwatobi team so much.

They were the reason he left five years ago. They took Rin away from me. Well they didn't Rin left because I didn't swim relay.

I thought back to how if I had just swum relay with him he would never had left.

I got jealous just thinking about how much time Rin spent with them.

All because they gave him something I never could. I sighed knowing that it was only a matter of time before I competed in my last race and had to quit swimming's for ever.

But I couldn't do that to Rin

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