Five years

726 20 2

Sousuke's POV

"Please give a warm welcome to your new classmate who transferred to this class this morning all the way from Tokyo. This is Sousuke Yamazaki." My new teacher introduced me to my new class.

But I was barely listening my eyes searched around trying to find the person that was the reason that I transferred to Samezuka.

I found him staring out the window until the teacher said my name. When he glanced up I looked away and smiled slightly. There he was the guy I had been crushing on since we were kids. Rin Matsuoka.

I could feel him staring at me trying to get me to look at him. But I refused. I had waited five years to see him again he could wait an hour until the class was over.

Rin's POV

Sousuke. Sousuke Yamazaki was sitting three seats away from me. I couldn't believe it why was he here?

When the teacher said his name I looked up and saw my best friend standing at the front of the class "Holy Crap" I muttered under my breath.

Why wouldn't he look at me? I thought glaring at him. I continued to stare at him through out the class trying to get some recognition.

Finally the bell rang I stood up and packed my bag as quick as I could. Desperate to talk to Sousuke.

I looked towards Sousuke who was packing up his things as well. I walked over to him and stood silently waiting for him.

We wordlessly communicated as he followed me out of the classroom and outside to an archway.

I threw my fist missing his face, Sousuke did the same we then locked our arms together. We then smiled and laughed.

"Been a little while hasn't it?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Five years right?" Sousuke replied smiling at me

"So what's the story man, hell of the time to transfer to a new school?" I asked curious of why he was here

"You're one to talk. At least I didn't leave in the middle of winter you couldn't even finish off the end of the year" Sousuke said his smile fading slightly and I could sense the slight bitterness in his voice.

My mind flashed back to when I had left.

I decided to ignore his comment and asked "Why Samezuka? I thought the school you were at had a pretty solid team."

"Yeah well things change" Sousuke said mysteriously

"You gonna tell me or do we have to play twenty questions?" I asked annoyed that he was making me guess.

"We graduate this year I thought it would be cool to swim my last season back at home" he replied shrugging.

"Things our going to get crazy after graduation" he added

I stood up "why are you talking like that?" I asked desperately "wait your not... your not quitting swimming?" I asked trying to picture Sousuke not swimming.

He just looked at me and hesitated for a second then smiled "yeah as an amateur"

My face went blank "ugh" "you sneaky little bastard you got scouted didn't you?" I asked playfully kicking his leg

"Hey stop it. Seriously your messing up my uniform" he said jokingly

I smiled. I couldn't believe Sousuke was back.

Sousuke's POV

I couldn't believe I had just lied to him. But I couldn't tell him about my shoulder. So I just told him that I had been scouted.

Maybe there was a chance I could still swim professionally.

Time Skip

Rin and I were stood infront of the Samezuka swim club. "Listen up" Rin yelled instantly getting everyone's full attention

"My names Sousuke Yamazaki I transferred here from my school in Tokyo" I said introducing myself to the swim club

"You should all be aware that Yamazaki's butterfly stroke is ranked nationally in the top ten. Treat him with respect." The team staff advisor said then added "I understand you two know each other Matsuoka I leave it to you to show him the ropes" he said addressing Rin

"Yes sir" Rin said smirking at me he added "Welcome to the team man it will be great having ya"

"Thanks it will be great swimming with you again" I said fist pumping him.

How do I tell him? I thought to myself

"Okay let's get warmed up" Rin yelled to the team.

I walked over to the pools edge and started rotating my shoulder

"So this is what a national swimmers build looks like" a small voice behind me said

I turned to the boy who had said this and when he saw me looking at me instantly apologised

"Sorry sir I'm a Aiichiro Nitori second year and it's... it's an honour to swim with you." Nitori said timidly

I looked at him then smiled "nice to meet you kid"

Nitori then continued to babble about national teams but I wasn't really listening as I continued to rotate my shoulder biting my lip to stop myself from gasping in pain but then he asked "if you know Rin do you know Haru and the others?" That caught my attention

Before I could reply Rin said "We haven't seen each other since sixth grade he hasn't met the guys yet."

"Well that's not exactly true. I've competed with them before" I said walking over to the diving platform "learned a lot about my own limits when I swam with them that day" I prepared myself to dive in.

But then turned around and smirked at Rin "if you're not careful he's the kind of rival you can become obsessed with" then dived in but before I was fully underwater I heard Rin give an angry sigh and say "hey"

I then became one with the water the pain in my shoulder stopping me only slightly from going full out.

Rin's POV

"Bet you two have picked up like no time had passed" Nitori commented smiling

I ignored him and looked at Sousuke as I saw Nitori and the rest of the swim club gasp as Sousuke swam butterfly.

"He can get his torso high above the water unlike most swimmers it decreases the resistance he would have to deal with otherwise and his shoulder flexibility isn't something that happened over night. The guys a beast and he's worked hard to get there" I explained

Nitori continued to talk about how amazing he was but I focused on Sousuke something was different about him I just didn't know what.

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