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Macey entered the living room and saw her mom sitting on the couch reading a fashion magazine. She looked as lovely as ever.

"Hi mom," Macey said.

"Hi," Felicity replied without bothering to look at her.

"There's going to be a parent teachers meeting at school next Wednesday."


"Do you think you can make it?"

"I have to attend a gala on that day."

"Forget it. You'll never be interested in the welfare of your only child. You'll never change, so I don't know why I bother asking."

Felicity looked up at her. "Stop acting like a spoilt brat."

"The only spoilt brat in this room is you." Macey left her and went into the kitchen.

Dottie was putting dinner on the table and Danny was helping her. Macey smiled inspite of her problems. She loved them so much. Her dad was the best father a girl could ask for. He was kind, compassionate and her was always there for her when she needed him. Dottie was like a mother to her. She was sweet, sensitive and kind. Macey could talk to her about anything. Sometimes she wished Dottie was her mother. She wouldn't feel so unwanted.

Dottie looked over and saw her. She smiled warmly. "Hi sweetie," she said.

"Hi Dottie," Macey replied. She went over to her and hugged her.

"Hi princess," Danny said. He kissed her forehead and hugged her.

"Hi dad," Macey said.

Danny pulled away. "How come you're home so late?"

"I was at the library doing a group assignment with some of my classmates," she lied.

"You're just in time for dinner," Dottie said. "Have a seat."

Danny and Macey sat down and Dottie placed their dinner in front of them. Macey took a bite of the pot roast and savoured it. It was absolutely scrumptious. Dottie was a world class cook. Her dad wasn't too bad in the kitchen either. He sometimes cooked on Dottie's day off, even though she usually cooked enough food to last them for days. Her mom couldn't cook to save her life. She only came into the kitchen when it was time to eat. Macey didn't think she even knew how to light the stove. She would probably burn the house down. Some mother she was.

"Mrs Ward!" Dottie called. "Dinner is ready!" Dottie sat down and began eating. Felicity entered the kitchen and took her seat. She put the magazine on the table and began eating.

"Did you have a good day at school?" Danny asked Macey.

"Yeah," Macey replied. "It was okay."

"Just okay?"

"Well," she began, smiling. "I'm really excited about the cheerleading championship. The other cheerleaders and I are all fired up."

"I can't wait to see you."

"You're going to love it."

"I know you're going to do great," Dottie said.

"Thanks Dottie," Macey replied.

"Felicity," Danny said. Felicity looked up at him.

"Dad, please don't," Macey pleaded.

"Don't want?" Felicity asked. "Don't invite me to that stupid cheerleading championship?"

"Are you for real?" Danny asked incredulously.

"I'm sick of the two of you inviting me to stupid things I don't want to attend. I'm not interested in going to that school. I'm not interested in going to any games or meetings or mothers are supposed to attend. I have more important things to do with my time so stop bothering me."

"What's wrong with you?" Danny exploded. "How can you talk like that in front of your daughter? Do her feelings mean anything to you? What kind of person are you? Do you even have a heart?"

"I'm sick of you two harassing me," she shot back. "I keep telling you I have a life of my own and I'm going to live it whether you like it or not."

"Do you know what I was going to say to you just now? I was going to tell you that the bank called me today and told me that your credit cards are maxed out and you should repay your debts. I wasn't inviting you anywhere so you had no reason to be so mean and vicious. Macey has feelings."

"Well, I meant what I said and I'm not going to apologise for it."

"You know what you are? You're an ice queen who has ice water running through your veins."

"If I'm such a terrible person, why did you marry me?"

"You had me fooled. I actually thought you were a decent human being. Now that you mention marriage, I think it's time I file for a divorce."

She looked at him. "Is that right?"

"Yes. I've had just about enough of you. I'm sick of you hurting our daughter. It has to end."

"Well, if you file for a divorce, I want half of everything you own. I want this house, I want the cars, half of the hotels and of course, half of your money, in addition to my monthly alimony."

"Danny frowned," Have you lost your mind? That will never happen. You'll get alimony, that's it."

A cold smile formed on her lips. "I'm a woman. The law in Mississippi is more lenient towards women, so I'll get everything I want. You can keep your spoilt brat of a daughter."

Macey stood up. She'd heard enough. "I'm sixteen!" she snapped. "I'm allowed to be a spoilt brat. But you're forty one. You need to grow up and be a responsible woman. You have no sense of responsibility. All you care about is going out and looking good. You're so vain and pathetic. Be a woman. Get a job and stop being a gold digger. You're the lasiest, most irresponsible person I know. You can't even make your own bed. I no longer care how you feel about me. Get a life you hateful witch."

Felicity's face reddened. "You will not speak to me like that little girl!"

"I will speak to you anyway I want. You're a mean-spirited, self-centered viper. You're disgusting. You make me sick. I feel nothing for you but contempt." Macey stormed out of the kitchen and ran upstairs towards her room. Tears burned her eyes. She couldn't believe the things her mother just said. Now she knew exactly how she felt about her. She never loved her and never would. She ran into her room and threw herself on her bed, then began sobbing.

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