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Jacey walked into the kitchen and saw her mom and her brother Jermaine sitting at the table having breakfast. Julia Johnson was a pretty woman. The gray suit she was wearing hugged her slender body. Her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Jacey looked a lot like her mom. What really set them apart was the fact that Julia had gray eyes while Jacey had brown eyes. Jermaine looked nothing like their mom. He was tall and stocky with black hair and brown eyes. He was the spitting image of their father. He even had the same dashing good looks.

"Good morning," Jacey said and sat down.

"Good morning honey," her mom replied.

"Morning Jace," Jermaine said.

She looked down at her breakfast and smiled. Blueberry pancakes with eggs orange juice. It smelled heavenly. She would certainly enjoy it. She loved food. Her friends often referred to her as foodie. She ate more than most girls her age.

She took a bite of her pancake and savored it. It was sumptuous. Her mom was an excellent cook. She had to give her that. Her dad was also a great cook, but he wasn't home often enough to cook. She looked up and saw Jermaine looking at her. "What?" she asked.

"You sure eat a lot for a girl," he replied.

"I have a healthy appetite."

"Yeah right."

"Good morning folks," came a familiar voice.

Jacey looked up and was surprised to see her dad entering the kitchen. Oliver Johnson was a very handsome man. He was tall with medium build, black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a black business suit, a white shirt and black and white tie.

"Morning dad," Jermaine replied.

"Morning dad," Jacey echoed. I thought you already left."

"I put in some extra work yesterday," he said. "So I wouldn't have to leave so early this morning. I wanted to have breakfast with you guys."

"Cool," Jermaine said.

Oliver sat down and began eating. "So what are you guys up to?" he asked.

"Nothing much," Jacey said. "Same old same old."

"Nothing new?"

"Well, there will be a cheerleading championship on Thursday, but I don't know if I'll be a part of it.


"I can't even stand being in the same room with the new captain, let alone take instructions from her."

"You two still don't get along? Well, you can't let that stop you from taking part. You need to show everyone how good you are."

"You're right. I'll let you know if I decide to enter."

"Okay. I hope you do." He turned to Jermaine. "How about you buddy?"

"I got an A in my math test," Jermaine replied.

"That's awesome! So you're now a straight A student."

Jermaine grinned. "I guess I am."

"Congrats buddy. I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks dad. Oh, I have a basketball game on Friday. Can you guys make it?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Jacey said.

Jermaine smiled at her. "That's why I gotta love my big sister."

"Oh shut up," Jacey said jokingly.

"I'm sorry honey,"Julia said. "I'm won't be able to make it. I have a very important pharmaceutical conference to attend on Thursday and Friday."

"That's okay mom," Jermaine said. "At least Jace will be there."

"So will I," Oliver said.

Jermaine frowned. "What?"

"I'm coming to your game."

Jermaine's face lit up. "Seriously?"

"Yes. I'm going to clear my calendar for that evening."


"Well, isn't that a first," Julia said.

"I'm everything there's a first," Oliver replied.

"You always have an answer for everything don't you?"

"Mom," Jermaine said. "Not now please."

"I'm doing this right now," Julia replied.

"Fine," Jermaine said. He got up, leaving half of his breakfast. "See you later."

"Finish your breakfast."

"I lost my appetite." He kissed Jacey's forehead. "Later Jace. Later dad." He walked towards the door.

"Yeah," Jacey replied. "Have a good one."

"No kiss for your old man?" Oliver asked.

Jermaine turned back and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Love you dad."

"Love you too son." Jermaine then left the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Julia asked.

"What are you talking about?" Oliver asked.

"You've never been to one of Jermaine's games, but now you'll be going when I'm unable to. Are you avoiding me?"

"Now why would I do a thing like that?"

"I'm serious Oliver."

"Julia, why do you have to make a big deal out of everything?"

"Mom, dad, please don't do this?" Jacey pleaded.

"Your father needs to learn to be responsible," Julia said. She turned to Oliver. "You keep avoiding me and in the process, you're avoiding your children. You can't keep running from your issues. Stand up and face them. Be a man."

"So you're emasculating me now?"

"Why did I marry such a weak man?"

"You've got to be the most annoying woman on the face of the earth."

Julia's jaw dropped. "Excuse me?"

"You're like a mosquito that keeps buzzing around my ear and no matter how often I fan it away, it keeps coming back. I come here to have breakfast with my kids, you're nagging me. I come home from a hard day at work, you're nagging me. Whatever I do is a problem. I just can't please you. I can't live in peace thanks to you."

"Can't you two be in the same room for five minutes without fighting?" Jacey asked, exasperated.

"I just can't stand your attitude," Julia continued, ignoring Jacey.

Oliver stood up. "Have a nice day Julia." He kissed Jacey's cheek. "Later jacey. Love you."

"Bye dad," Jacey replied. "Love you too."

"Go ahead," Julia said. "Walk away. That's what you're good at." Oliver ignored her and left the kitcken.

"Can you believe that man?" Julia asked. "He has some nerve calling me annoying."

"I hate to break it to you mom, but you are."

"Excuse me?"

"Dad made the effort to have breakfast with us, but you just had to ruin it."

"I didn't ruin anything. Your father did."

"No mom, you did. We were having a nice conversation until you attacked him. Thanks to you Jermaine left, dad left, now I'm leaving." She got up and headed towards the door. She'd lost her appetite.

"Finish your breakfast. You hardly touched it."

"I'm not hungry."


"Bye mom." She went into the living room, picked up her backpack from the couch and left the house.

The Good Girls Club: Finding The Missing Files Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora