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Danny sat at his desk trying to do some paperwork. He couldn't concentrate. He couldn't help thinking about the hurt he saw in his daughter's eyes that morning at breakfast. It broke his heart. He just couldn't understand Felicity. She had no concern for her daughter. It was as if she didn't care about Macey. What kind of mother was she? What kind of person was she? She seemed to have an icebox where her heart was supposed to be. Why did he marry her? How could he have been so blind not to see her for the kind of person she was? She'd seemed so sweet when they were dating. He'd also been captivated by her beauty. But she'd only been pretending so she could marry a rich man. Once they got married, her true colours began to show. He started seeing her for what she really was. She was an ice queen who had ice water running through her veins.

The only good thing that came out of their marriage was his daughter. Macey was sweet, kind and sensitive. She was very beautiful inside and out. She was fun, vivacious and full of life. The only thing she inherited from Felicity was her love of fashion and makeup. She was also a good student who got good grades in school. Danny loved his daughter more than anything in the world and would do anything for her. It hurt him to see the way Felicity was hurting her.

The phone on his desk started ringing. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was his secretary Connie. He picked it up.

"What's up Connie?" he answered.

"Mr Johnson is here to see you," she replied.

Danny smiled. Seeing a friendly face would do him good right now. "Send him in," he said.

"Yes sir," she replied and hung up.

The door opened and Oliver Johnson entered. He had a smile on his face the size of Canada. His smile was infectious. Danny got up and hugged his friend. He needed a friend right now. He and Oliver had been best friends for the past ten years. They'd met at a business conference and hit it off. Oliver was a great friend. His friendship was what helped Danny weather the storm called Felicity. Danny had other great friends, but his friendship with Oliver was special. Too bad their daughters hated each other. He hoped Macey and Jacey could be friends one day.

Danny pulled away. "What's up man?" he asked. "I haven't seen you in a minute."

"I know," Oliver replied. "I've been really busy."

"Too busy for your friend?" Danny asked jokingly.

"Come on man. You know I'm never too busy for you."

Danny sat back down and Oliver did the same. "So what brings you by?" Danny asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Oliver sighed. "Julia is driving me up the wall. Whenever I'm around her, we end up having a fight. She attacks me for the simplest thing. I just can't please her. Sometimes I think she takes pleasure in tormenting me. I'm just so frustrated. I keep making up excuses to stay away from home."

"I understand that you want to avoid Julia, but you're also avoiding your kids. They need their father. You have to be there for them."

"I know. I just hate it when we fight in front of them. It hurts them a lot. This morning I made the effort to have breakfast with them and Julia attacked me because I decided to go to Jermaine's game when she's unable to."

"Are you serious? She attacked you for that?"

"You don't know her Danny. She's horrible. Sometimes I think I married a she-devil."

"You can't keep avoiding her and you need to start spending more time with your kids. You need to stand up to her. This has been going on for too long. You can't let her continue to tear you down."

"I just hate confrontations."

"That's why she continues to treat you like that. She thinks you're weak. Prove her wrong. Stand up to her. You need to put her in her place."

"You're absolutely right. That's what I have to do. Thanks man. So, how are things with Felicity?"

Danny sighed.

"That bad huh," Oliver said.

You have no idea. I think she has a block of ice where her heart should be. She doesn't care about anything or anyone. She's in her own world. The only things that are important to her are looking good and partying. This morning at breakfast Macey asked her if she could make it to the cheerleading championship. Do you know what she said? She said she can't go because she has an appointment at the beauty parlor. I could see the hurt in Macey's eyes. How can someone be so cold towards their own daughter? I'm fed up with that woman."

"Wow! That woman is unbelievable."

"Tell me about it."

"You should file for a divorce. I can see how unhappy you are."

"I've thought about that."

"Why haven't you done it?"

"Felicity would suck me dry. You know the justice system in Mississippi. Women always get the upper hand."

"Good point. That's why I haven't divorced Julia. She would take me to court for full custody of the kids and she would win. That would kill me."

"So we're stuck with horrible wives."

"Unfortunately. Anyway, I should get going. I wish we could talk some more, but I have a lot of work waiting for me at the office."

"That's cool. I should get back to work too. Thanks for dropping by, and remember what I said."

"I will. Later man."

"Yeah, later." Oliver then left.

Danny went back to his paperwork. He had a hotel chain to run. He couldn't let Felicity distract him. She wasn't worth it.

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