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"How are you liking your new job?" Lacey asked her cousin. They were both sitting on the bed they shared in their small bedroom.

Felisha's eyes lit up. "It's amazing. Who would have thought being a masseuse would be so much fun? And the money is good. I'm going to make way more money than I did as a waitress. I also get tips.

"That's awesome," Lacey said. Felisha was a beautiful girl. She was tall and slim and had soft brown eyes. Her black hair had red streaks. She and Lacey looked a lot alike, except that Lacey had green eyes. People often thought they were sisters. But that was where their similarities ended.

Lacey was a hardworking student who got straight As. She was also a voracious reader. She was very shy and didn't have any friends. She also had plans for her future. She knew her grandmother couldn't afford to send her to college, so she planned to continue working hard so she could earn a scholarship.

Felisha, on the other hand, was aimless. She was carefree and didn't give any thought to her future. She was all about enjoying the present. She dressed skimpily and drank and partied a lot. She also went out with a lot of guys. She was also very sweet. She was fun, feisty and had a bubbly personality. Felisha Mckenzie knew how to have fun.

"You should get a job as a masseuse on the weekends," Felisha suggested. "I could talk to my boss. He would love you."

"No way," Lacey replied. "That's not my thing."

"Come on Lacey. Why do you always have to be so modest? Being a good girl gets you nowhere."

"I'm fine with my weekend job at the grocery store. I don't have the personality for that type of job."

"You're too shy. You need to loosen up. Go out and interact with people. Come out of your shell."

"It's not that easy."

Felisha smirked at her. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

Lacey blushed. "Felisha!"

"Lacey Jenkins, you're going to turn forty and not have a boyfriend."

"Okay. New topic please."

"Lacey!" came Alice's voice in the living room.

"Coming grandma!" Lacey called back.

"Go face the old demon," Felisha remarked.

Lacey left the bedroom and walked into the small living room. Her grandfather was seated at the small table and her grandmother was placing his breakfast in front of him. Her grandfather Melbourne Masters was tall and slightly overweight with a protruding belly. His face was deeply lined and his hair was completely white. Her grandmother Alice was short and chubby. She had green eyes and her hair was also completely white.

Lacey walked over to the table and sat down. "Good morning grandpa," she said.

"Morning," Melbourne grunted.

"Good morning grandma," Lacey said.

"Good morning darling," Alice replied sweetly. She put a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of orange juice in front of her.

"Thank you."

"Enjoy your breakfast darling." She gave Lacey a warm smile.

"You're not having breakfast with us?" Lacey asked.

"No. I have to get to work early. I need to make some extra money."

"You're working too hard grandma."

"If she doesn't work how are we going to eat?" Melbourne bellowed.

Lacey said nothing. Her grandma was a maid at a house nearby. She worked six days a week. Her grandpa didn't work. He just sat around all day listening to music, smoking and living off the little money his wife earned. He was so lazy. It hurt Lacey to see her grandmother struggling to make ends meet, even though she suffered from arthritis pain. Her husband refused to help out. He didn't even help her around the house. Their two daughters Dorothy and Rachel Masters, Lacey and Felisha's mothers, didn't help their parents. They just left their daughters and took off. Their father Melbourne had treated them badly, but that was no reason for them to not help their mother and daughters. Lacey couldn't wait for the day when she would be able to help her grandmother.

Felisha came out of the bedroom and headed towards the door. "See you later grandma," she called out. "Bye Lacey. Grandpa."

"You're not having breakfast before you go?" Alice asked.

"I'm fine grandma. I'll grab something on the way to work."

"Okay darling. Have a nice day."

"Thanks grandma. You too."

"Bye Felisha," Lacey said. Felisha then left the house.

"That girl is going to get pregnant soon and burden us with another child," Melbourne said through a mouthful of food. "I'm surprised she doesn't have two children already. She's going to turn out just like her worthless mother."

Lacey began eating while glancing at her grandfather. Why did he have to be so mean? What did he get out of belittling his grandchildren? He was cruel and vicious. He constantly called them degrading names and compared them to their mothers. Because of him, Felisha hardly ate breakfast at home. She also came home late most evenings when he was asleep. Why did her grandma marry such a mean man? He was horrible. He made Lacey feel bad about herself. Many nights she cried herself to sleep. Her grandfather kept shattering what was left of her self-esteem. She didn't know how much more she could take.

"What are you looking at?" Melbourne asked, scowling.

Lacey looked away. "Nothing," she said quietly.

"Are you calling me nothing?" he bellowed.

"No grandpa. That's not what I meant."

"That's exactly what you meant! You're an ungrateful little brat. After your good for nothing mother thrust you unto us and we took you in you start calling me nothing? You're the one who's nothing. You're nothing but a little insect that I should step on and crush. I should kick you out of my house, you little wimp. You're going to turn out to be good for nothing just like your mother."

"Grandpa, I didn't mean - "

"Shut up! I don't even want to hear your voice. If I never see your face again I would be a happy man. You're nothing but an inconvenience."

Alice put the leftovers in the small fridge and began washing the dirty dishes. She said nothing. She couldn't defend Lacey because she was afraid of her husband. If she said anything in Lacey's defense, he would attack her too.

Tears burned Lacey's eyes. She got up, leaving her barely touched breakfast, and went into her room. It was the same thing everyday. Her grandfather ripped into her and Felisha for the simplest thing. Why did he hate them so much? She blinked back tears. She didn't want to ruin the little makeup she was wearing. She picked up her backpack and left the room.

"Bye grandma," she said and headed towards the door.

"Bye darling," Alice replied. "Have a great day."

"Thanks. You too. Bye grandpa." She then left the house.

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