Unexpected Surprises (Marichat)

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This is my first fanfiction, and I want to get some things out of the way:

1. Expect slow updates because I am in high school, and my parents expect me to do really well, but during breaks I will make up for abnormally slow updates.

2. Requests will be greatly appreciated!

3. Please don't hesitate to give any advice to make my writing better. I'm merely trying to start a new hobby, constructive criticism is taken with no offense.

Let us start shall we?

Chat was outside at the place where he had the surprise for Ladybug. They had quite the nice time, seeing that they're consumed by duty they never have a chance to really enjoy themselves. He was about to go home when he saw a familiar balcony. Marinette's balcony in specific.

Recently, he started having feelings for her from his very so often visits. But he still have feelings for Ladybug, so it's all confusing. He sighed.

If only they were the same person... he thought.

Maybe I should visit her again...might as well right? After all, her lights are on, so it seems like she's awake...

So that's how he ended up at her balcony, about to knock on her window to see her.


Meanwhile, Marinette had a small dilemma of her own...

She paced the room, a frown on her face. Tikki watched her in concern.

"Is everything ok, Marinette?" Tikki asked cautiously.

Marinette sighed and faced her kwami. "No Tikki. Well, not really..."

Tikki flew closer to her user, determined to know what's troubling her.

"You know you can tell me anything, Marinette. So tell me, what's wrong?"

Marinette sighed and proceeded to tell her kwami her problems. "First, I'm in love with Adrien, then Cat Noir comes and I gain feelings for him!" Tikki smiled knowingly as she continued. "Like, I don't know who I really love anymore. Why couldn't they be the same person. I mean it would solve all my problems you know-"

knock knock

"Don't tell me..." Mari groaned. Tikki saw this as an opportunity, being the positive kwami she is.

"This your chance to clarify your feelings! Go on, open the window." With that, she zipped away to hide.

Sighing, Marinette stood up and went to the window and opened it to find the one and only cat-themed superhero.


"Good evening, Princess." he stepped in and threw a smile at her.

"Hi Chat, what's up?" she said in a confusing voice. He frowned.

"Marinette...is something wrong?" Mari couldn't help but giggle at his concern.

"Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking about some things. Guess I got too caught up in my thinking."

"Are you sure? It really looks like something is wrong."

"No, no! Everything is fine."

He stalked over and grabbed her hands softly. She knew he meant no harm but in that moment, that withering gaze did terrify her.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" he growled lowly.

"No, Cat. I'm not." she softly stated. She looked up at his gorgeous green meadow eyes. "I don't have any reason to lie to you, Chaton. I trust you."

He seemed happy with that and stepped back. "Guess I don't have to worry, then." he again threw that confident, cheshire cat smile. "So, what's been going on with you? Anything I should know about?"

Immediately she knew better than to put off her feelings, so she tried to think how to best present the situation. After some silence he grew worried.

"If you're too uncomfortable you don't have to say anything."

Marinette giggled. "I do feel comfortable, I was just figuring out how to best say it." she took a deep breath and tried her best to explain.

"So, I've been really confused with my feelings lately." she looked at him with uncertainty. He gestured to continue.

"As of now, I realized I have feelings for two people, and I just don't know who to choose." she looked down in shame.


For Chat, being shocked is an understatement. So two people stole her heart huh? At that moment, Chat's heart sank with grief. He knew it just couldn't be him, no matter what he did.

"Chat...?" he snapped back to reality once he heard the girl call his name.

"Yes, Princess?" he said cautiously. He really didn't know how to address the situation, but he was trying.

"What...what am I supposed to do?" she looked down at tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

In that moment, Chat was willing to do anything to make sure she has a smile on her face. He knew he might not have a chance with her, but all he wants is her to be happy.

"Well, it's easier if I knew who they were-" Chat stopped when Marinette's face turned pale.

"Hey, hey, it's ok if you don't want to." he rushed to comfort her. She only shook her head.

"I don't know why I'm scared. It's really hard to open up you know? I really don't tell people a lot of things. So I'm not really used to all this attention." she admitted sheepishly. Chat only chuckled.

"I understand, but if you feel uncomfortable, you don't have to share anything." he gave her a reassuring smile. 

"Ok," she took a deep breath and calmly met Chat's eyes.

"I really like my best friend, Adrien Agreste." Marinette blushed. Chat frowned.

"Well, why?"

"Because he's so considerate about others, which you really don't find that kind of personality. He's willing to sacrifice his time to hang out with the people he cares about. He's also very supporting of people, regardless if they are in the right or wrong. He doesn't see any reason to be so negative about things, and I really admire that. Not to mention, his sun-kissed golden hair and amazing green meadow eyes, but that's just the looks."


Chat was stunned. He didn't ever think his alter-ego would be one of her crushes.

"Wow. That was quite the speech." he complimented.

Marinette blushed. "Well, it's the truth." heh, she's cute when she blushes.

"So, what about the other person." Chat teased.

Marinette's face exploded with all kinds of red. "Uhm..."

"Come on, it can't be that bad right?"

"Well, it's, uh, it's..."

"You got this, Princess. So, who-"

"It's you ok?" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "It's you."

And that's a wrap. Yes, I'm leaving y'all on a cliffhanger simply because I love the suspense lol. And feel free to leave any advice to make it better. I should be more free now that school will officially end on Friday for me, so y'all know what that means?? That's right, more updates 😘😝. Anyways, have an amazing day ❤️

Published: June 23, 2020

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