4. I Finally Made It!

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July 22, 2018

8:00 PM Wisconsin time

I was getting really hot and my arms were getting sore. I was pulling my luggage and some of my dad's for the last 10 minutes. Of course my dad had to choose to park in the parking lot the farthest away from our gate.

"Dad!" I said. "Why are you making me carry your stuff, too? You're a grown man, you can carry your own!"

"Hon, you've gotten lazy since you haven't worked in a while. You need to keep your strength up."

"That is the stupidest excuse for being lazy I have ever heard. Can you walk faster at least? You're not really carrying anything so I don't know why you're so slow."

Our flight leaves at 8:30 pm tonight so I had to make sure we got here early enough so we wouldn't be late. I'd been waiting for this trip for a long time and I didn't want anything to go wrong.

Luckily we got to our gate a couple minutes later and went through security without a hitch. Then dad and I just sat around by our flight gate waiting till they called our section to board. Finally, after what seemed like hours they called group 3 and we got on. I got a window seat, which I was happy about. I'd been on planes before but I still enjoyed plane rides and I loved the feeling of being able to fly. This flight was supposed to take 16 hours, with two stops on the way, which is why I packed a bunch of snacks and charged my phone all the way and brought my best headphones.

The flight seemed to go by quickly and soon enough we were just boarding the last plane before Greece. I don't know how pilots can fly all day and not crash planes all the time, they have to be exhausted. I know I was.

Fortunately, the last plane ride was the most eventful. The other two rides had been boring and there had been no turbulence. Yes, I like turbulence, it's part of why I like flying so much, turbulence is like riding on a super dangerous roller coaster and I love it.

This last flight had some turbulence about halfway through and we passed through a bit of a storm. The landing was also a bit rough, which was awesome. But the best part was that I had finally landed in Greece. The place I had been wanting to go to forever.

July 23, 2018

10:00 pm Athens time

I couldn't believe it, I was actually in Greece. Greece! But I was also really tired and I just wanted to get to bed, as excited as I was, I knew I had like 3 weeks here, so I had some time.

I had decided that I wanted to rent an airbnb because I didn't want to just stay in a hotel. The place I found wasn't expensive at all and was honestly really cute. We finally got there about an hour later because our driver kept getting lost because I didn't really speak any Greek, and dad fell asleep so he wasn't much help, even though he actually spoke more Greek than I did. I had been trying to learn Greek for a while, but it was just hard for me to have time to learn it, so I only knew a couple of phrases. Finally, we got to the right place after about an hour of looking around.

Then I realized I had the wrong address for some reason. I remembered that I was looking at a different place that the renters had just left, and we could've rented it, but then I heard that the actual owner was coming to stay there. For some reason, I still had that address in my phone, but I found the new address that we needed. It took us about another 30 minutes to get there since our driver kept getting confused again, but we finally made it to the right place.

The house was cute from the outside, it was white and small with a flat top and a bunch of vines growing on it. It looked old, and the door was a nice light wood with some cracks in it. There wasn't too much space in the house, just a tiny kitchen, a little dining room, a pretty large living room, and a bright sunroom. On the second floor were two bedrooms and a bathroom. There really wasn't much to the house, but we didn't really need much.

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