Chapter 15: Haha...Tail.

Start from the beginning

I hope she'll tell me about them. I want to know what each one means.

"No. Mer tattooing is also a sacred thing too. You don't just get senalas, you earn them. I've earned all of mine. The neck was the hardest one I've had to do. It's done with poisonous coral. It's not poisonous enough to kill us, but it does burn you."

I gasped-no way. That would hurt so bad. I'm a baby when it comes to needles and I definitely couldn't do it myself. She literally burns herself to do the senalas and they look perfect. Not a single flaw in them.

"Wait you mean you did it yourself? And it burns into your skin?"

She nodded, looking kind of annoyed. "Why do you always make me repeat myself?"

I blushed and glared at her.

I just needed clarification, jeez.

"Sorry. I'm hangry. We've been on five rides but I need food."

I sighed.

I could be as mad at her as I get at Clary.

Not at all.

I opened the map I'd snagged on the way in and looked for food. We were pretty close to where we needed to be. I stuck my hand out and Marinley took it easily, grinning of course.

"So what does the turtle one mean?" I asked as we made our way to the dining area.

"Later. I wanna eat first."

We got to the food court and I got a small basket of fries with mustard. I didn't want to eat too much and get sick. When I voiced my concern to her about to eat a giant corn dog, she only said Mermaids don't puke.

Well-I hope she's right about that.

By the end of the night we'd gone on every single ride. I had the best time of my life. Being with her felt so good and so natural, I hoped she felt the same way. Sometimes I think she does but she's so hard to read. I know she likes me though, at least that's what she said.

And she doesn't lie I've noticed, so I'm pretty sure she likes me back.

"I thought we were going home?" She asked as I turned down a road.

"One more stop." I parked behind the back of the diner.

Her eyes lit up as she looked at me.



I got mint chip and she got strawberry. I know it's her favorite. Next to the mango.

We drank our milkshakes and talked until they told us we had to leave.

I really didn't want this night to end.

"I'm not ready to go yet." Marinley said, voicing my thoughts.

"Then don't go."

We went down to the beach and I laid out my beach blanket for us to sit on. Marinley plopped down between my legs and leaned back with her head on my shoulder. I used one arm to hold us up and the other wrapped around her waist, gently stroking the skin of her stomach. She was so cool to the touch.

"This has been the best first date ever."

I looked at her with wide eyes. "You've never been on a date before?"

Marinley laughed, shaking her head. "What did I say about you making me repeat myself?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever. I'm glad you had a good time."

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