Tyler silently drove me back to the school and my car. I got in my car with the intent of going back to my house but I found myself just driving around aimlessly. Somehow I ended up back in the parking lot of the gym Lucas had taken me to so long ago.

I looked in the back of my car and saw that I had some workout clothes that were semi-clean (I was in a bad mood, okay?) and changed in my backseat.

I walked into the gym to find that same guy, Nate, at the front desk. When he saw me his face brightened, "Hey! You're Lucas's girl, Ariel right? How ya been?" He asked me cheerily.

I smiled slightly, "Yeah it's Ariel. I've been good. But I'm not Lucas's girl." I said seriously.

He just smiled and nodded, holding his hands up in surrender, "Alright. What can I do for ya today?" he asked me.

"I want to fight. Anyone. I don't care. I just need to hit something." I said and he laughed. 

"Alright then. Follow me. I'm sure someone will be willing to fight." He said, leading me back to the ring I had already fought in. 

And so I fought. I don't remember how many fights I fought, I don't remember who I fought, and I don't remember how long I fought. All I remember is that it felt good to fight, and I didn't lose once. 

I was in the locker room, cleaning myself up when I heard someone's voice ring out from behind me, "Who hurt you?"

I turned around to find an extremely attractive guy standing in the doorway, shirtless. I smiled and looked back down at my hands as I unwound the tape on my hands, "I'm not sure what you mean by that? I don't have any bruises or cuts." I said.

"I don't mean today. I watched you fight and you fought like you wanted revenge. So, who hurt you bad enough to make you feel that angry?" He asked me again.

I smirked, feeling bolder than I normally would because of the adrenaline flowing through me from  the fighting, "Someone I'm trying to forget. So forgive me if I'm not all that eager to share." I said as I began unwinding the tape from my other hand.

"Fair enough. But you're good. Damn good. Where did you learn to fight?" He asked.

"That's for me to know." I said, making him laugh lightly. 

"I know who you are, you know." He said cryptically.

I threw my tape in the trash and turned to him, crossing my arms and leaning against the lockers, "Really? And who am I?" I asked. 

"You're Ariel Montgomery. You go to Baker Hill High School." He said. 

"How do you know who I am?" I asked.

He laughed, "You're kind of famous in the area. Lucas Hunter's girl, who isn't his girl." He said. 

I crossed my arms once more as he stepped towards me, "Well then, since you know who I am, I feel that it's only fair you tell me who you are." I said.

He smirked, "My name is Tate McLean. I'm a senior at Hornhill." he answered me.

I smirked, recognizing the name. He was a pretty well-known football player at one of our neighboring towns, "Well then, Tate. Why are you so fascinated with me?" I asked as he continued stepping closer.

He stopped when he was right in front of me, "Like I said, you're a damn good fighter. I'm sure not many people know that you can kick twenty guys asses without losing or taking a punch. It was really fascinating to see." he said to me.

I looked him up and down, fully taking in his shirtless form, "Just a quick question, do you own a shirt? Or is this just how you go about your life?" I asked, gesturing to him.

He chuckled, "I do own a shirt. But I don't really like clothes. I prefer them off." He said as he placed his hands on my hips and pulled me towards him. 

"So, are you Lucas Hunter's girl?" He asked, looking me in the eyes.

I was quiet as I thought carefully about my answer. I knew exactly what he wanted to do, and I knew that it was the absolute last thing I should get myself into. But I was angry. I was sad. I was heartbroken. And in that moment, I didn't care.

"I'm not anyone's girl." I said strongly.

He smirked, "Good." he said before swooping down and capturing my lips with his. He got to work quickly, deepening the kiss and picking me up by the waist and pushing me up against the lockers. 

I threaded my fingers through his hair and tugged, making him groan into my mouth. He pulled away from the kiss to smirk at me, "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked me, "because, I don't really do relationships." he said.

I smirked at him, "Well lucky enough for you, I don't really do relationships either." I replied.

He returned the smirk, "Fantastic." he said before kissing me again.

A couple hours later I found myself naked, in a strangers bed with his arms wrapped around me. I knew it was dumb. I knew it was impulsive. But to be completely honest, I didn't care. 

"What are you thinking about?" Tate asked, turning me around to face him. 

"Nothing," I said, "I just, I think I need to get going. I wasn't home last night and my parents will be wondering where I am." I said, pulling myself away and collecting my items of clothing off the floor.

"Was I that bad?" Tate joked.

I smirked at him and rolled my eyes, "Shut up. Like I said earlier, this was a one time thing. I'll see you around." I said as I finished pulling my clothes on. I grabbed my keys and walked downstairs.

I turned the corner at the landing into the living room to walk out the front door, only to come face-to-face with Cole.

"Cole. What are you doing here?" I asked, confused and scared as to what his answer would be.

"Uh-Ariel? What are you doing at my cousins house?"

A/N: Soooooooo this was a longer wait than I anticipated this update to be. I'm sorry!!!!! I meant to update sooner but Senior year's killing me currently. I hope this chapter might make up for it!

Also, this is almost at 10k views?????? That is so crazy. I never thought this would happen and it means the world to me! Thank you to everyone who's been dedicated so far! Please keep sharing this story! I would love for it to reach as many people as possible!

Love you all!

XOXO-Gossip Girl

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