Unexpected Offers

Start from the beginning

His previously beautiful and alluring orbs were now a dull and dreary gray color. The perfect skin I had admired so much was now slathered with concealer to cover up the dark purple rings under his eyes. He looked broken, and I couldn't be the reason to break him more. So I let myself be pulled into a hug, and savored the feeling of his comforting presence. I slid my arms around his neck and breathed in the scent of his cologne. I could forgive him this time, next time however, we might have some issues.

I heard the ringing of my phone and slowly pulled away from Wonho to check it, who was calling me anyway, I never got actually calls. The caller ID read Minhyuk, strange for him to call me, but not unheard of.

"Hello?" I said, smiling for what seemed the first time in days.

"Jade, Cade's been taken to the hospital."

"W-what? How did this happen?!" I shouted in the phone, no longer caring about the busy street that surrounded me.

Wonho looked at me with a bewildered expression, our previous kindness toward each other had been ruined. I forgave him and I wouldn't take that back of course, but I'm not sure I'll be as open in this as I was before. Normally the look on his handsome face would have amused me, but today it only enraged me further. I could hear Minhyuk's whimpering on the other side of the line and the sound deeply worried me.

"The group had gone out to lunch, and he went to go grab his jacket from the van because he forgot it. We had parked across the road so he was waiting to cross at the crosswalk. Once the symbol changed on the crosswalk light he quickly began to walk to the other side. Unfortunately his quick pace wasn't quick enough..." He went silent for a moment and I dreaded the words I knew were coming, "a pick-up truck came speeding toward him. We all shouted for him to move, but he was too late. The truck slammed into him."

I was speechless, what should I do? Cade had been hit by a car! The news flooded my mind and clouded all judgement. I cried out and felt the tears on my eyes. I've never been one for pretty crying, and I definitely wasn't now. I could feel the familiar pain in mouth that happens only when you're sobbing. Images of my big brother bloody and in the middle of a road crashed through my logical thoughts. I fell to my knees and tugged at the strands of brown hair on my head. I tore at the roots until I couldn't feel the pain in my scalp any longer. I whimpered loudly and threw my fists down onto the concrete, I simply crouched down on the sidewalk and didn't say a word. My dear dear brother. He was hurt, he could die, I could lose him. What had he done to deserve this? What have I done to deserve this!

"Jade?" Wonho whispered, pulling me back into a standing position and wrapping his arms around my torso, "What did Minhyuk say, jagiya?"

"C-cade...m-my brother. Say my brother will be alright, Wonho! Tell me he'll be alright!" I pounded my palm against his chest in my hysterics, I don't care if I hurt him, not right now.

His larger hand enveloped my smaller one as I sobbed into his shoulder. He slowly caressed my hair as I hiccuped between tears. The presence of his arms around me made me calm down, but only slightly. I wanted the person who had hit my brother with that car to die. I wanted them to be killed in the most brutal way possible, they deserved a slow and painful death for what they did to my brother.

"What happened to your brother?" He asked me calmly, I knew this was his way of making me relax. However, his tone of voice only enraged me further. I've always hated it when people talked like that to me, in a calm voice when I was angry. It fed the flame inside me like nothing else.

"Cade got hit by a car," I said through clenched teeth, my despair long forgotten under my murderous rage, "We need to go to the hospital. Now."

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