"What pretty red hair, like your mother. I'll drain every drop of magic from your body then you can join her...or maybe I'll keep you." She laughs, "What a slight that will be. To raise you as my own, teach you to hate your own heritage. It would hurt your parents more then their actual deaths I think."

Then she presses her mouth to the baby's, a slow golden light seeps out of the child's mouth and into the Bedlams. She throws her head back in pleasure as the power becomes hers. Then she places a kiss on the child's head, steps over the mothers dead body, and leaves.

I gasp for air as I come back, I didn't realize the screaming filling the room is coming from me. My mind is on fire.

Everything hitting me at once, I'm Theadora, my mother and father were slaughtered with Zev's help, Rhett, sweet Rhett is my twin brother. And that evil bitch took me, drained me everything special before dumping me on earth, not realizing she would rot the second she got there. I picked the crown up off of my mothers dead body. Vomit rises in my throat but I can't hold it back this time. I retch on the floor. If I had looked a little closer I would have seen the thin skeletal hand that sticks out from under the leaves.

Zev rushes into the room just like he did that night and for a second I hate him.

He runs to me cupping my face.

"I told you not to come in here! What happened!"

I scramble away from him. His touch doesn't bring me comfort for the first time.


Even I'm a little surprised at the venom in my voice. He leans back shocked,

"What happened little one..."

"Don't call me that! I know what you did here I saw it all, you helped her kill them. They were mine!" My hand slams into my chest as I emphasize my loss.

"Thea please," he sounds so sad, "I don't know what your talking about."

I stand on my own two shaking feet.

"I saw it all when I touched her crown. I'm Theadora that fucking witch dropped me on earth, I would be dead if she hadn't sucked every drop of magic out of me. She made me a weak, an orphan, so magicless even I could survive on earth."

Zev sits there stunned. I'm being torn in two. I want to hold him and have him hold me, so he can chase away all the fear and heartache. But the other half of me screams for the loss I didn't even know I had before tonight. Spinning on my heels, I flee into night.

The storm is nothing compared to my pain.



Theadora? Theadora one of two missing heirs? They were presumed dead centuries ago.

How could I not put it together before now, she looks like her mother. I pull my hair, her mother, the mother I almost killed. The heir to the kingdom I slaughtered.

She hates me.

I felt it, the stab of betrayal as she looked at me is something I won't be able to forget. The sound of the front door slamming brings me back. .

She's run out into the storm.

Rushing to my feet I go after her. She's to upset she's probably stumbling around randomly through the forest whoevers been killing all those people could be out there. The thought draws all the blood away from my face.

The rain is coming down in sheets washing away her scent and my panic is rising, I can't see or smell her. She could be hurt and I would have no idea. I use my eyes instead and follow the faint signs of broken twigs hoping it's her path.

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