"Nope, I'm actually pretty hungry." Calum answered, turning his attention away from the tv.

"I'm also pretty hungry. What about you Mikey?" Ashton asked.

"I already ate, thanks though." He answered, absorbed by the tv.

Ashton, Calum and I walked into the kitchen. I pulled out whatever I could find to make breakfast. Ashton and Calum watched, starting a conversation.

"So, where's Ally? She is here right?" Calum asked.

"Yeah, she's upstairs sleeping, why?"

"Just wanted to know. So, what did you guys do last night?" Ashton asked. I can here Calum chuckle a little, Ashton following afterwards.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanna know what happened last night? I mean it seemed like you had a lot of fun." Ashton said, pointing at my neck.

I stood there, wondering what Ashton was talking about, but then it all came to me. All over my neck was a trail of hickies. They probably noticed it when they first walked in. I just rolled my eyes and said nothing about it.

"Damn man, you two have been rushing things so much. She's only been here for two days, and y'all already banged. What's next, are you going to propose tomorrow?" Calum laughs.

"Shut up, it's really none of your guy's business what we do." I said.

"Ooh, Luke is getting defensive, we better stop before he gets really mad." Ashton jokes.

I turn around to look at them and tell them off, but right behind them was Ally. She was wearing one of my sweatshirts, which almost swallowed her. She looked so small in it. Her hair was messy, but she still managed to look so cute. The boys noticed my lack of attention towards them, so they turned to see what was happening. I could see their smirks once they saw Ally. She too had a trail of hickies down her neck.

"Oh, good morning Ally..." Calum said, he looked at Ally, Ashton, and then back at me.

"Im guessing you guys had fun last night." Ashton blurted, causing him and Calum to break out in a laughing fit.

I rolled my eyes and mouthed "sorry" to her. Her face turning a bright red. She pointed to her clothes and then upstairs, telling me that she was going to go change. She walked out the kitchen and went upstairs. I smacked both Ashton and Calum once she left.

"What the hell is wrong with you too?" I asked. Their fits of laughter stopping.

"Sorry man, I just find it funny how fast you fall in love. I mean you're moving things way too fast, and I'm worried that things aren't going to end up the way you want it to be." Ashton said.

"I know we're moving things fast, but at the same time we aren't. There's people who've fucked the first night. There's people who dated in under a week. We've done all of this in a month, which again is kind of fast, but it's an understandable amount of time." I explained.

Michael came walking into the kitchen, looking at all of us.

"What did I miss?" He asked.

"Nothing much, just Luke giving us a lecture about his relationship with Ally." Calum said.

Michael looked at me once Ally's name was mentioned. The boys still don't know about the argument Michael and I had. I've finally gotten over my little hissy fit and told Michael that he could be around Ally. I'm still keeping a close eye on him. I know Michael wouldn't do anything to hurt me, but I just didn't feel comfortable the way he was staring down Ally that night in New York. He was staring her down like she was prey, and he was the predator.

"Oh, fun." He says, walking over to us.

"Why are you guys even here?" I asked.

"Um, you told us we could come over whenever. You even gave us our own keys." Calum said.

"And, because there's this party that we've been invited to, and we wanted to see if you wanted to go." Ashton said.

"You guys could've just texted me and asked."

"Luke we wanted to come and hangout with you, that's all." Michael said.

"Oh, well why didn't you guys just say that?" I questioned.

"I don't know?" Calum answered.

"So, do you want to go to the party tonight?" Michael asked.

"Sure, I just have to ask Ally if she would like to go."

"A party seems fun." A small voice said from behind us.

We all turned around to be greeted by Ally, who's wearing black leggings and a blue Pink long sleeved shirt. She looked so pretty in the most basic outfits. I looked over at Michael, who's eyes were all over her. I can feel myself starting to get hot.

"Alright! Well I guess we're going to a party tonight." I yelled, getting everyone's attention off of Ally.

I still don't really trust Michael around her, but I can't let that show. All I know is that I'm going to keep a really really close eye on him at this party.

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