"Hey, how did you sleep." He walks over and gives me a hug.

"I slept great." I replied, still hugging him. I kept thinking back to the make out session that we had last night. He's acting like it never even happened.

"So, what's planned for today?" I asked.

"I thought that we could go out to Santa Monica. There's a lot of things to do out there." He says.

"Okay, sounds like fun."

We made it to Santa Monica. We first went to Downtown Santa Monica, looking around in all the little shops. We were constantly getting stopped by people, asking to take a picture with Luke. I was really surprised when some of his fans noticed me.

"So, when did you guys start dating?" One of his fans asked.

"Um.. I guess you could say a couple of weeks ago." Luke says.

He never officially asked me out. We just both confessed that we liked each other, so I guess that counts as him asking me out.

"I just wanted to say that you guys are so freaking cute together. And Ally, you're really freaking beautiful and sweet, don't listen to the mean comments that people say." The girl said.

I've stopped getting on social media once I saw all the hate I was getting. People were leaving mean comments all because I was with Luke. I never really told Luke about it, but I'm sure he knows about it.

"Thank you so much." I said, giving the girl a hug.

She takes a picture with us and then we go on our separate ways.

We start making our way down to the beach. We walked around the shore line, the waves crashing against our feet. More and more fans spotted us and came to talk to us. I thought that Luke would be a little agitated by this, people constantly coming up to him when he's trying to just have time off, but he was nice and calm. He took pictures with each and everyone of them, and signed whatever they wanted to be signed. I admired how sweet he was to his fans. He really did care for them.

The sun slowly starts to set. The sky was starting to turn into a bright orange color. We were now at the Santa Monica pier, playing all the little games, but winning nothing.

"I promise I will win you something, even if it means I have to buy this whole place out." Luke says, determined to get me something.

"It's fine Luke. You don't have to get me anything. It's fine."

"Well I want to win you something, and I'm going to." He laughs.

We walk up to the one game that he hasn't played. The goal of the game was to toss the ring on the bottles. It took him about four tries before he was able to actually get the rings on the bottles, winning the game. He picked out a really big monkey stuffed animal.

"See, I told you that I was going to win you something." He says, handing me the stuffed animal, which was almost as big as me.

"You couldn't have gotten a smaller thing?" I asked, carrying the huge animal.

"Nope, I wanted the big one. I mean if you don't want it, I can keep it." He laughs, trying to take it out of my hand.

"No way, it's mine. Well, you might have to keep it. I don't think I would be able to bring it on the plane."

"You might be able to. If not, I could just ship it up to you. Or we could take a private jet back." He suggests.

"You are not spending money on a private jet just so I can bring a stuffed monkey back home."

"Fine, I'll just ship it then."

We went back to the beach to walk along the shoreline again, hand in hand. Luke was now carrying the stuffed monkey because it was too heavy for me to carry it. The sun was completely gone. The sky was filled with a bunch of stars.

"Hey, there's been something on my mind that I've been meaning to say." Luke starts. I turn and look at him, he was looking down at the ground.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry about last night. You know, I started something and just left."

"Yeah, why did you?" This is all I wanted to know. Why did he just get up and leave.

"I was scared of rushing things again. I mean look at us. This whole relationship is based off of rushing everything. I gave you my phone number after meeting you for ten minutes, we kissed after knowing each other for a week, and then we almost had sex after knowing each other for a month." He confesses.

"Oh, I understand. If it makes you feel any better, I don't fell like we are rushing things. I know people who've fucked the first day they met." I joked.

"That's true. I don't know, I just felt like it was the wrong move. Especially since you've only been down here for about ten hours."


We walked along the beach in silence. The only sound was the waves crashing against the shore, and the faint scream of people from the pier.

"You know what I just realized?" Luke asked.

I looked up to face him, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight.


"I never officially asked you out. I didn't realize it until that girl asked when we started dating. I guess I just took us confessing to each other as my way of asking you out, but since you're here, I think I'll do it in person." He stopped walking and placed the monkey on the sand, taking both of my hands into his.

"Ally, I know we've been rushing things a lot, but I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend?"

"Of course!" I laughed.

Luke smiles and kisses my forehead, and then my lips. His hands moved down to my waist as mine cupped his face. We stayed there for a minute, just taking in everything. I'm officially his girlfriend.

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