Not right (Jack dylan grazer)

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Jack and y/n is really close, they've been best friend as long as they both can remember. They tell each other everything, or almost everything... it's one thing Jack can't tell y/n. He likes her...

Today the whole group were hanging out. Jack didn't like it to well, cause y/n and Finn is together, and Jack just got sad seeing them all cozy and stuff.

It all started about a year ago, when y/n told Jack that she liked him, and he rejected her. Ever since that day he hated himself.

Jacks POV:
I sat on a bench in the park waiting on the others. It was a sunny and warm day, and everything was great. "Hi jack!" I heard y/n's sweet voice say, I turned around and smiled at her. She sat down, and we started talking like we always do. Her smile and laugh was everything, ugh I really wanted her to be mine. But she had Finn.

"Y/n! Jack! Hi!" Finn said. Y/' jumped up from the bench and ran over to Finn. He catch her and kiss her passionately. That should be me...

The rest of the squad came, and everyone did their own thing. Y/n and Finn was making out as always, Wyatt and Jaeden was in a discussion about some video game and Sophia sat with me.
" I see how you look at her" she said looking at me

"Yeah, but she's with Finn you know, I don't have a chance."

"You can always try, she liked you first. And you never really get over your first crush"

I looked at her with a sad face, and then looked back at y/n


Finns lips wasn't as tempting as they usually are, I didn't know what was wrong, but something was. I pulled away, and walked over to the others. Jack was staring at me with a really upset face, what was he thinking about?

"Hello! Earth to jack!" He looked away from me and blushed. "What were you thinking about there Einstein?"

"Nothing special" He said and smiled at me.

I walked over to where Finn sat, and sat down on his lap. He takes his arms around me, and kisses my neck. It didn't feel right, I don't know what's wrong with me today, but nothing with Finn feels right. He's the best boyfriend, but it didn't feel the same. It didn't feel the same as it does when I'm with jack...

I looked at jack, who looked at me. I walked to him and we talked and laughed like always.

Finns POV:
I sat alone on a bench, cause y/n walked over to Jack. Something was different about her, she didn't want to cuddle as much as she normally does, or even kiss me the same. I looked over at y/n and Jack, she looked different with him, happier. I really loved y/n, but her being with me wasn't right.

Jack told me that he liked y/n about five months before I got in a relationship with her, and even though he told me he didn't feel the same about her anymore, I didn't believe him.

I walked over to them both; "I need to talk to you both" we walked away from the others and I turned around to look them in the eyes.

"I see how you look at each other. Jack I know you like y/n, and y/n I can see that you like jack too. I think the right thing to do is to end this relationship y/n. Jack is the one for you, and I can see it."

I walked away from them with my head low.

Jacks POV
I looked at y/n and blushed; "Ehh, I really like you, and I kinda hoped that you liked me too."

She looked at me with a blush on her cheeks;

" I do, I really do jack"

I smiled and walked away with a huge smile on my face.

A/n: it's shitty Ik! I just spent 30 minutes writing it, sooo yeah....

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