Chapter 9

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We broke the hug and run as fast as we can to our own cars. Because fuck, we're all late.

As I was fixing my seatbelt I heard my phone ring and I know i'm going to hear a morning cermon from Hong Jisoo. I answered the call.


"I'm on my way, okay? I'm sorry!" I just heard him sigh before he talks again.

"Alright. Just be safe. Someone's waiting here for you." Someone? Who? Wonwoo? Jimin? Hoseok Oppa? Yoongi Oppa?

"Who?" I asked Joshua.

"Someone. Please be here soon. You have a meeting in 20 minutes."

"Alright." I ended the call, step on the gas and drive as fast as possible.


"Where is she?" I look at the person waiting for soojin.

"She's almost here Mr. Yoon. Excuse me for a minute." I told Jeonghan.

"Joshua, wait." I turn around and saw him with unreadable expression.

"What is it Mr. Yoon?" I tried to be calm as much as I can.

"Stop with the "Mr" thing, Jisoo. We're friends." I rolled my eyes and felt my anger rising.

"Friends? The last time I check, you chose Seungcheol over me, Yoon Jeonghan. So if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do." I walk my way to the door and saw Soojin with her forever poker face.

"Soojin, you're here."

"Yeah. The meeting? The board members? The models? Are they all there?" I nodded and prepared to lead her to the board meeting. I was picking up the other folders when I hear Soojin speak.

"Mr. Yoon, You should come with us to the meeting. Knowing that you'll be my future husband means you should start to learn how I run the company so you can help me in the near future. Let's go, Joshua." I look at Jeonghan who has the same expression as me.

"Y-yes Ms. Kim." I followed Soojin and look at my back to see Jeonghan following us but he still had the shocked expression he had earlier.

Jeonghan  *20 minute time skip*

"So as you can see, YJH company has two new models from china and Mr. Yoon over there wants to collaborate with our company to attract more clients. Right, Mr. Yoon?"

I thought she doesn't like the wedding?

"Mr. Yoon?"

Did she moved on from wonwoo that fast?

"Mr. Yoon Jeonghan?!"

I thought she l-


My thoughts were interrupted by Soojin's loud shout that made everyone scared.

"Y-y-yes." I saw her sighed in frustration and close her laptop loudly making everyone jump a little.

"That's all for now. Let's continue this meeting next week after I meet the models from YJH. Dismiss." Everyone fix their things and Immediately leave the office. Leaving Me, Soojin and Joshua.

She look at me with fire in her eyes.

"What was that all about, Yoon Jeonghan?! We're having a meeting that includes your company yet you're in the galaxy floating. You expect me to marry you with that kind of behaviour?!"


"Aren't you the one who asked me to come with you?"

"Enough. What are you doing here? What do you want?"

"I'm here to talk to you."

"Let's go to my office. Joshua, please contact Taehyung and tell him to come here before 6." Joshua nods. "You can go now."

And with that joshua made his way out of the room. Making the room more scary.

"Talk." Soojin said.

"About the wedd-"

"What about it, Jeonghan? You want to rush it. When do you want? Next week? Tomorrow?"

Believe me, I think I heard my heart shattered.

"It's not like that, Soojin. I'm going to ask you if do you want to continue the wedding or not?" Ofcourse. I know she will say n-

"Yes. We'll not going to cancel the wedding. Even though I don't like it, I don't want to disappoint my Dad."

"What about, Wonwoo?" I asked her.

"I love him. I still and always will." She sighed. "But what can I do?"

I stand in front of her and held her chin up so her eyes will face mine and asked,

"Can't you love me like the way you love my brother?" I know. I'm so stupid to ask her this. Stupid Jeonghan.


*thump* *thump*

What's that? Why is my heart beating fast? I just said I still love wonwoo. Why is my heart beating like this? I am looking at jeonghan's eyes and all I can see is my face. (A/N: Tell me more, honey) Shut up author!

I pushed him slightly *thanks author-nim for ruining the moment* and fake a cough.

"Soojin." Jeonghan called me. "Look at me and answer me."

"I still love Wonwoo, Jeonghan. I'm sorry." I told him as I walk to open the door.

"You need to stop loving ME, Soojin." I stop walking when I heard the voice I love the most telling me to stop loving him. (A/N: Wonwoo entered the room without them knowing.

"I can't, Wonwoo. I can't."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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