Chapter 6

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"Soojin, come with me for a second." I looked at Jeonghan who's standing too waiting for Soojin to come with him.

Soojin, please come with me.

"I'm not going anywhere with the two of you. I'm sorry but Joshua and have to go. We still have something to do at the company. Excuse us." And with that, Soojin and Joshua left.


Soojin and Joshua already left and it leave us a very awkward atmosphere so I decided to break it,

"Excuse Mom, Uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Kim, I have to go too. Me as well still have unfinished business at the company. Wonwoo, come with me." Wonwoo give his car key to uncle jungwon. I bring Wonwoo with me because I have to talk to him. We already left and we're inside my car right now.

"Why did you bring me with you?" He break the 20 minutes silence inside the car.

"I- Why did you agree with Soojin's dad?" I really want to ask him this question but I can't seem to find the right question earlier.

"Her Mom talked to me before you arrived. Aunt Kyungjin tried to stop Soojin's dad but she can't. Soojin's dad never liked me for her daughter from the beginning. Her dad wants you to be her boyfriend in the first place! He wants you to be with her from the very beginning! Everyone compares how successful you are and I'm not. I'm hurting everytime I'm with Soojin at her company and the workers there looking at her with, "I don't understand why he is her boyfriend" I'm hurting everytime they're bad mouthing Soojin. I'm hurting everytime I heard them that Soojin don't have high standards choosing whom to date. I'm hurting everytime I heard them saying that Soojin just date anyone not thinking about her company. I agreed to let her marry you because I'm hurting so much already! I'm doing this because I don't want to drag Soojin's image down because of me. I want to break up with her but I can't find the right words to say. I love her but I don't like this kind of relationship that no one approves."

I never knew this side of Wonwoo. If you were with me, you can see him breaking down. A part of me feels so guilty. I never treat Wonwoo right ever since Mom and Uncle Jungwon get married. Which is 3 years ago. Ever since I was a child, I really wanted to have a little brother but I don't know why I'm treating Wonwoo like this. As for Jungkook, that kid is spoiled with me. I give what he wants. I give him money when he ask me. I even give him even if he don't ask. I just don't know why I'm like this to Wonwoo. Ever since him and Soojin became close specially now that they're in a  relationship, I'm always mad at him. I always treat him like he doesn't belong to our family.

"I'm sorry Wonwoo. I'm really sorry." I really feel so guilty right now.

"You don't need to be sorry. I'm doing this for Soojin." He look at me and I can see how hurt he was. He never show his emotions to us. This is the first time I see him like this and I- "H-h-hyung, please take care of Soojin, for me."

"H-hyung?" He never called me hyung. The last time he called me hyung is when we first see each other. 3 years ago. Maybe he really loves Soojin. I feel so sorry and guilty for Wonwoo but why am I happy that Soojin is getting married with me?

"Let's just go to your company." Actually,

"To be honest, I'm not going to the company. I just made an excuse. My real intention is to talk to you. You want to go home now, dongsaeng?"

"Ok, hyung." Wonwoo smiled at me. Again. And it made me so happy. Finally, I have the chance to be close with him and treat him like how I treat Kookie. We had reached home when Wonwoo asked me. "Hyung?"

"What is it?" Wonwoo opened the cardoor and said something before closing it leaving me shocked and speechless.

"I knew that you liked her ever since. Don't worry about me Jeonghan hyung. I'll support you. But, I'm going to talk to Soojin first. End things nicely. Goodnight, Han hyung."


I already sent Joshua home 5 hours ago because I don't want to trouble him anymore and here I am now in front of my laptop doing some work when someone knock on my office door. Seriously? It's 2 in the morning.

"Come in." Wait. What if it's a serial killer? Nah. I'm not afraid. I'm a black belter.

"Noona?" Mingyu? What is he doing here? Why is he still awake?

"Mingyu?! What are you doing here? It's already 2 in the morning! Why are you here? Who's with you? Are you alone? Goodness you must be out of your min-" I was cut off with the familiar deep voice.


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