045 | desperate

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"you need to be open with me, minho. otherwise i truly cannot help you." jisung says, and it just makes minho grit his teeth harder. does he not understand how frustrating it is to not have a clue what happened to you the day before? to feel completely out of body? to lack control over your own autonomy?

"something is wrong with me! okay! i don't know what it is but something is off and i can't stop it." he replies, eyes stinging as they fill with irritated tears. 

"i know something has been different about me and it hurts. i can see you becoming such a good person and i'm falling behind. what if you forget about me?" he cries, burying his head in his arms. 

"please, i need you to understand, i don't know what's going on." he whispers, and his eyes screw shut as jisung gently guides him to lay his head in his lap.

"it's okay min." he says, deft fingers carding through his hair as minho shakes.

"i'm here for you."

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