"It's no secret that you write all your songs by yourself," Leah says. "Why did you decide to work with Jack on this one?"

"Well, I was really just trying to get rid of my old songs," Castiel says. "I sent a few of them away to various artists, and he's the only one that I got a definitive yes from. We were just kinda talking, and decided hey, why not work on it together? And then he ended up doing all the work, and I just sat there quietly for a few hours because he's way better at it than me. And his mom brought us pizza, so it was pretty great."

Leah laughs. "Pizza makes everything worth it, huh?"

"Oh, definitely," Castiel agrees.

"Were you expecting 'Remember' to take off like it did?" Leah asks.

"I never really expect my songs to take off," Castiel says. "And when I sent it to Jack, I thought my fans and his fans would enjoy it, and that would be it. And then we recorded it and we filmed the music video and all that and I didn't know what to think because it just sounded so much better."

"Well, good luck tonight," Leah says. "I hope all that hard work pays off."


"Hi, Castiel!" the final interviewer of the night, Melissa, says with a grin.

"Girl, your eyeliner is on point right now," Castiel says. What a flawless wing she has there. It almost makes him want to wear makeup.

She laughs. "Thanks!"

"Sorry, That was really random but I just had to say it," Castiel says.

"No, no, it's totally fine," Melissa says. "I have a bit of a random question, too. We've been taking a survey from everyone we've gotten the chance to talk to, and that includes you."

"Ooh, surveys," Castiel says with a grin. "Fun, fun!"

"Just one question, so it's not super big," Melissa says. "What do you do in the limo on your way here?"

Castiel chuckles. "You're right, that is random. Are we talking in general, or today specifically?"

"It's up to you," Melissa says.

"Well, today, I spent the ride texting my fiancé," Castiel says.

"Oh, that's cute!" Melissa says. "Can I ask what you were texting about?" With a teasing smile, she adds, "Do I want to know what you were texting about?"

Castiel chuckles. "Yeah, no, I was basically just complaining about the drive home, and he was laughing at me." It's not a lie, exactly. He just neglected to mention that there was a lot of flirting and sexual remarks involved.

She laughs. "Not a road trip fan?"

"God, no," Castiel says. "It's, like, three days away, and we ate all our road trip cookies on the drive up so we don't have any to eat on the way home."

"Guess you'll have to buy some more," Melissa says, amused.

"They just won't be the same," he says with obviously fake sadness.

"I'm so sorry," she says with exaggerated sympathy. "Where is your fiancé? I'm guessing he's not here if you were texting him."

He shakes his head. "No, he's back at the hotel, watching on the tv instead. He was going to come, but he broke his leg and now he's on crutches. He refused to come if he couldn't dramatically step out of the limo."

She laughs. "Is that just your fun rendition of why he's not here?"

"No, that's literally what he said," Castiel tells her. "And he's definitely going to kill me for saying it, but I feel like the world deserves to know that I'm marrying a dork."

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