"Hello?" Issac voice asks.

"3...2....1" I whisper to myself. Asher comes up behind Issac with the paint gun. 

Asher presses trigger on the gun and glow in the dark paint shoots out from the gun and splashes all over Issac's clothes. I struggle to hold in my chortles and bite my lip to hold it down. 

"What the he-"

The lights flip on and everyone shoots up from wherever they are hiding and screams "SURPRISE!!"

Issac POV

"SURPRISE!!" A bunch of loud voices scream after I just got shot with paint and my eyes widen at everything around me. The one thing that catches my eyes is Bay Stewart. She holds a confetti gun and she gives me a smirk before pressing the trigger and letting the confetti shoot in the air and scatter the room. 

She looks drop dead gorgeous. She has on a black lace top with black jeans and heels. Her lips are red,which is my favorite color so I know she did that on purpose. Her curly brown and blond hair frames her face and cascades past her shoulder. She is a goddess. She is better than me, better than everyone in this town. To know Bay Stewart is a gift. She is a gift.

Armani walks up to me and embraces me in a bro hug as does Asher. Cartier gives me a small hug and then walks back into the arms of her boyfriend. 

Bay walks up to me and every time she walks closer to me, my heart skips more and more beats. Her soft brown skin glistens under the shiny lights put up on the ceiling. When she stands right in front of me, she looks up at me with a smile on her face. Despite wearing, I am guessing, 5 inch heels, she is still shorter than me, but it is so cute. She is my feisty little thing.

"Happy birthday." she says in a sweet voice.

"You did all of this?"

"Well, I had help. Everyone pitched in" I look over to Victoria and Sienna and Bay follows my eye line. "Everyone participated in their own way. Even if it was just showing up."

Humble, one of her best traits.

"This is awesome Bay."

"I can't wait for you to see the cake!" she says excitedly like a little kid showing their first masterpiece.

"First..." I embrace her in a hug breathing in her warm vanilla smell. She smells like home. She is home. She hugs me back and rubs her tiny hands up and down my back causing me to shudder under her small touch.

She pulls away first with a smile on her face. 


"Yes" But what I am hungry for is not on the menu.

"Let's get the birthday boy some pizza" she says and hold my hand and leads me to the dining area. 

"OK everyone it's time to eat!" Bay yells and everyone walks in and grabs a slice of pizza. I grab a slice of the bacon and pepperoni pizza that no doubt, Asher chose. Bay takes up a slice of tomato and basil flatbread pizza.

Why do chicks like that stuff? It's so plain.

We all gather on the rug in front of the TV and eat our pizza while watching re runs of Friends.

Sounds stupid, right?

But I didn't care about the show. I just cared about the people around me. My dad is away in Venice closing a deal, so if it weren't for this party, I would be at home doing absolutely nothing.

We eat for an hour while laughing and talking while watching this crazy ass show. Bay and Armani snuck away a while back and everyone is looking at each other with weird looks like they know something I don't. 

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