{You Monster.} Bakugou Katsuki x [M/F] Reader [Angst and a lil fluff!]

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YO IM SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATING PLZ FORGIVE! I will be doing some request one-shots after this one! Sorry again!!!!

Writer~Chan outtie :)

You lay there, eyes closed, softly breathing, your mind blank but you're struggling to get up.

Comas are a bitch.

You remember the last time you had conscience. Your class was going to do some work around the streets as a Villian appears.

Ya know, the one that likes to disengrate everything.

Already having a tough day, you were walking with your friends Urakura and Tsu. You've known them for quite a while now, but not as much as your two very best friends.

Mirdoriya Izuku And Katsuki Bakugou.

You've lived right next to Bakugou, and everyday you'd wave as him going to school. He'd usually 'Tch' and walk faster to get away from you, but a part of him liked seeing you there everyday.

Not until the last grade of middle school where you didn't say hello anymore.

You liked giving up, Becuase if there's no use in trying over and over what are you doing with your life?... Bakugou noticed this and you gained a little hidden wave each day from the hot head.

That day he started you returned the favor.

You became better friends during that year, until you heard,

"Why don't you swan dive off of the room Deku."

You stood there in shock as you ran to Midoryia.


He stood there silent. She was shaken. 'Monster?...' He grabbed your collar and threw you out the classroom door.

'Never talk to me again. I'm not the monster here.'

That moment, you cried and cut. But, you were very good at faking. Smiles and positivity that wasn't real became your life.

You never saw Bakugou nor did he see you.

Until UA came.

Now here we are again, Villian fight.

This was your chance to prove you weren't a faker, you couldn't give up. You didn't need anyone.

But, the thing is.

People needed you.

As the Villian showed up, Aizawa told his class to clump together as he heard footsteps and laughter. You and your friends whispered curious comments.

Then, he came out. And with help, nomus.

Your classmates and yourself couldn't take it anymore. Why stand there?...

You charged with your friends, fighting for justice and your life.

As you were helping with your friends, you glanced at Bakugou, exploding a nomu.

Out of no where comes a guy with hands from the evil as he walks towards Bakugou, almost placing a hand onto him.

You run. And you can't stop. You life is worthless, and you need to save a worthwhile one. That's what you thought.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" You screamed as Bakugou turned around, seeing a hand about to touch him as he was pushed to the ground and what did he see?

You, going away right before his eyes.

Be he also saw the man drop to the ground, with 2 knifes in his knees, one in his face, and one in his heart.

He picked you up, he cried, he screamed, he held you, you were disappearing in the hands of the one you loved.

But, it stopped. Right before your heart.

Your arm and leg was gone, some of your intestines, but your soul and heart was there.


Bakugou hasn't slept for 11 days. He has visited you everyday, writing letters and talking to you.

"I'm sorry I was a bastard to you. I was that fucking monster. I didn't know how to react that one day and I thought I lost you from saying shitty words to Deku. I thought you would leave when you saw that. But you left anyways. You used to give me hope and bring my ego up when you waved. And still, you fucking saved my life.....

But I'm sorry if I didn't save yours."

He looked down at your peaceful body, Maybe this time you woke up.

"But you did save mine."

"...(Y/N)?" "(Y/N)!!!!!" Bakugou was so vunrable At this moment, and tired cries out of relief, hugging you with his arms as your robotic arm and your real arm hugged him.

"If it wasn't for you I'd be gone. I listened to you everyday in this place. I remember... It stopped at my heart." You said faintly sick.

"Don't ever leave me again." Bakugou said.

"I will never my monster."

Hey guys! I just hit 1K reads and it means A LOT to me! Tysm I love you all!!! Also I have a couple requests to do so that will be coming out soon! See ya! (Also the latest episode got me chills and tears if ya haven't seen it.)
Writer~Chan out!

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