{Mans? Best Friend?} Bakugou x [F/M] Reader [Big Floof]

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I am sorry beat me all u want high school is giving me a heart attack at the moment but i'm finally alive YEET, ok enjoy this was a request :)

Your POV-
You were casually walking down into town, wanting to buy cute clothes that fit your aesthetic and some nice japanese candies, because UA was off today. You went into these adorable boutiques and shops and found some really nice stuff. You were getting a little tired of just strolling through the busy streets of Japan, so you went to the community park to sit down and admire your materials.

As you found a nice comfy bench, you put your bags on one side and strattled yourself on the other, grabbing the candy bag and seeing the sweets you've never tried before if your life. One of them was grape flavor, as you took it out of the tiny kawaii package-


"You're too full of yourself arrogant student, why can't you become a mans best friend."

You recognized that hot head swearing anywhere. Bakugou Katsuki, number three in your class, the most arrogant, (but hot) guy in your class. You groan at your curious appetite of the candy and place it back into the bag, knowing a villain is close by you grabs your bags and sprint to the commotion.

Like always, you were late.

But it was historical.

Bakugou Katsuki, about half a foot tall, was a tiny blonde Pomeranian growling at the sight of the villain, who was being taken away from the police and other hero's that aren't recognized. You on the other hand, fell to the ground, and laughed your ass off for about five minutes straight. You snuck a picture of the pupper into your phone and HAD to call Kirishima.

Bakudoggo was running in circles, freaking out and wondering why he was a floofball, as you quickly called Kirishima.

"Kirishima I can't believe it, Bakugou was in a villain fight and now he's- he's-" You can not contain your laughter.
"Just come to me I'll send my location!" You hang up and chuckle.

Time passes in a matter of five minutes and Kirishima brought Denki and Mina too, as they laughed at Bakugous figure who was trying to rip them apart piece by piece, but was far too little to.

Kirishima attempted to hold Bakugou, but he just scurryed and bit and scratched him. Kirishimas hands went up and chuckled, putting Bakugou down as the line kept going. Denki almost electrocuted Bakugou, which made him MORE aggravated, and Mina tried taking selfies with the dog, which you can probably tell it didn't work out.

"Hey, you know how long he will stay like this?" Kirishima asked.

You on the other hand didn't know, but a hero easedropped on your conversations and stated,
"This villain is known for turning people into things, so he can only stay like that for 24 hours, but if he has a companion, since he is a dog, he might change quicker."

We all laughed at that, including you and the hero as we thanked him and they turned to me.

"Have you tried?" Denki asks.

You shook your head and gulped, not wanting to have bandaids all over your arms in a couple moments.

You crouched down at his small figure and looked into the adorable dark red eyes. The dog showed its teeth but then went blank.

"Is it dead?" Denki asks and Mina slaps him in the face.

A couple moments later the dog shakes is head and pounces into your lap, licking your knees and hands.

"What the-" Kirishima tries to make out words.

"Ship?" Mina asks.

I mean, you were expecting MUCH worse, but this works perfectly fine.

You attempted to pick him up and he did submissively, as you cradled him like a baby.

"Well. I guess i'll handle him for the next couple hours."

They all nod, knowing it's the right thing to do as they all wave goodbye and you pick up your bags, sighing at the adorable puppy.

"Sorry in advance Bakugou." A strawberry blush forms on your face as the puppy barks, and you walk home.

You unlock your door and set down Bakugou,but he stays by your side. You roll your eyes as you set down your bags on the counter top and flop onto your leather couch, letting Bakugou crawl into your lap, which this does feel awkward to you, as you blush again.

You flip on a boring news channel and Bakugou growls, you roll your eyes and put on a comedy show. He growls again.

"God you're even picky when you're a freaking dog."

You find a horror moving playing and he stays silent, of course, as you sink into the leather and Bakugou starts to drift asleep.

Weird sparkles form around him after about 30 minutes, as you turn your head and then see a sleeping human 165 pound bakugou on your lap.

"B-BAKUGOU GET OFF WHAT THE-" You become a tomato and try to wiggle out of his grasp, but to your surprise he wraps his arms around your waist.

"Mmmm, no you woke me from my nap.. I don't care if I'm fucking human I was meaning to ask you out anyways...." He says half dead.

You stare blankly at Bakugou, trying to comprehend what came out of his mouth.

"O-Okay then."
"...So is that a yes?"
"I- Yea, it is..."
"Cool." He plants his face into the pillow beside you, still hugging you.
"The villain told me I needed a best friend, but I found something better."
You blushed, as you laid a hand on his spiky hair and drifted as well.
Yayauayaauua its 2 am and I honestly loved this, please forgive me I will be finishing the requests soon! I hope you guys have a fantastic day! <3
And as always, Writer~chan out!

P.S- I CANNOT THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH FOR THE 4k READS ANS POSITIVITY! I've never accomplished anything that big in my life lol it's sad, but literally you angels are the best <3

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