{You deserve Better} Katauki Bakugou x Reader [FLUFF?]

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Hey guys! I went through a NASTY breakup a couple months ago, so I will get back to your requests, but doing this type of fluffy one-shot I had a sudden urge to do makes me feel better. I will be making an announcement about your amazing support by hitting 100k reads. :) You guys are the fucking best!


It's been a week ever since your nasty breakup with your ex of three months, Chase. Even if he didn't go to UA, he was really caring and sweet. Turns out, his fuck-boy personality got the best of him, as you guys had a horrible fight and he quickly moved on to other girls.

You've been taking the breakup very well though, as the best medicine for you was going out places and being constantly busy, so you could take your mind off of most things. Today was a Saturday, meaning you had no school, and everyone had a lazy day in their dorms, sleeping in and such.

You open your phone to see a notification from Snoopchat, and come to see your ex hanging out with one of the girls he tried to hook up with while you were dating.

This instantly put down your good mood as you chuck your phone to the edge of you bed and pout, looking around your room for things to do.

Your stomach then rumbled, almost shaking your bed. You sigh as you hop up from your bed and put your hair in a messy bun, and sluggishly walk out of your dorm.

You see one of your best friends, Mina, standing out in the hallway looking outside. She notices you, and skips up to you as she squeezes you tight.

"Look who came out of her hole!" She says wit ha gleeful smile.

You nod and give a little laugh. She notices you are a little more down then usual as the reason pops into her head.

"Hey Y/N, don't you seem a little under the weather? I know you had that nasty breakup with that stupid guy but you haven't been this bad."

You blankly starr at her for a couple more seconds and sigh, not wanting to hide your emotions from your friends anymore. If you wanted to move on, you'd have to get help from your friends when you're feeling down.

"Yeah... Just I saw Chase on Snoopchat with a girl he hooked up with while we were dating... It's okay though, I didn't want to reminisce about it so I came out." You scratched your head with a little smile cracking up your face.

Mina smiled and gave you a little hug. "That was the right thing to do. He doesn't deserve you and you're worth way more then he treated you." 

You hugged Mina back as you both got a group chat message vibrate on your phones. The BakuGang was having a meetup at the local ramen bar, where Kirishima, Denki, and Bakugou said they could home, even if Kirishima forced him to come along.

"Y/N, lets go! This will surely take your mind off of things to be with your friends." You agreed and made a gleeful sound.

"Okay. I'll meet you back here in less then five, Ima put on something that isn't pajama pants and a hoodie." You both chuckled and went on with your ways.

————Time Skip————

You and Mina arrived together at the ramen bar, seeing the three other boys waiting and messing around with the drink straw wrappers and the chopsticks. You both laughed before sitting down. Kirishima and Bakugou were across from you as you had to sit next to Denki who was too childish to hide his blush because he was sitting next to a girl.

Everyone was having a nice calm time including you, but you still had the thought lingering in your head. With Bakugou sitting across from you, his poker face calm looked gazed at you, knowing something was on your mind and wrong.

All five of you enjoying your ramen and paid the checks before getting up. Everyone was about to leave until an unexpected hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you around to face a set of crimson eyes and a snarled look.

"Hey uh, Y/N, I need to talk to you. Like, privately someplace damnit." Bakugou seemed  little off, not really looking at you in the eyes but was demanding enough for you to agree.

"Is everything okay? I-I mean yeah sure, we can go to my room but it's a little mes-" He was already dragging you all the way back to your dorm.

You enter the room, slightly messy with clothes and food wrappers but he doesn't mind. He sits down at the side of your bed as you join next to him. Confused, you look at him and dangle your feet.

"Somethings up with you Y/N, I fucking noticed it today at the bar. I wanna make sure you're okay, but for no reason in particular idiot. Just, the number one hero's gotta check  up on people he cares about— I-I mean his friend group damnit!" He looked away, not meaning to say the last part with pink brushing over his cheeks.

"Bakugou I'm fine, just-" You phone vibrates from a Snoopchat notification from Chase. Instantly, Bakugou confused why you unblocked him and opens your phone. You try to grab it back but he's stronger then you so you give up. He opens the Snoopchat to find that he is with another girl that he hooked up with and purposely sent you the photo, saying a snarky comment about how that girl was better then you.

Instantly you looked away with tears forming in your eyes as you sighed. Bakugou stared at your phone before blocking Chase and slamming your phone on your bed, but not too hard to break it. He was frustrated about how this guy was walking all over you and how you deserved better then that dimwit if a man- no a boy- who doesn't know shit.

Bakugou turned to see you in silence. "I'm sorry... I was going to tell you but I asked myself out.."

He stared at you before turning your face to meet his and embraced you in a hug. "No one deserves to be treated like fucking trash, especially you Y/N. You don't need that piece of shit in your life and if I see him in public I'm blowing that bastards head off, ya hear me?" He buried his head into your shoulder.

"Thanks Bakugou, for being here for me. I'll let you know if anything else happens." You retardant to his side and smile at him.

"...While you're here, do you mind if you could watch some anime with me, it doesn't have to be long just I don't wanna be alone right no-" You were pulled by your hips into Bakugou's lips, a nice perfect passionate kiss.

"Of course you idiot. You have the great Bakugou now."

Ayo what's up i'm back lmao, this breaking actually happened like 7 months ago so i'm a lot better but if you're struggling with a toxic relationship or coping, feel free to reach out to me. i love you all. <3
writer~chan out gorls and gays ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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