fourth of July

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Noah was driving down the road, their adopted kid Veronica sat in the back seat "where are we going daddy Noah!"
"somewhere for the fourth of July."
"Yay! Why Is daddy cam tied up?"

"because daddy cam is a party pooper," Noah said looking at cam. 

"mph!!" cam yelled. cam got the tape off his mouth " I can have fun!!!" 

"babe. you literally sing the safety song for fun." 

"that is fun!!!!" 

"no it's not daddy cam," said Veronica. 

noah fixed the tape on cam's mouth. "alright iida what ever you say." 
Cam struggled kicking the glove compartment with his shoes
Noah parked the car and got out. Veronica got out too. Noah went over and pulled cam out of the car and slung him over his shoulder. "Mph!!!!!" cam grunted.
"hey guys!" Martin yelled as he saw them.  "I see you already have cam tied up. "
"yeah.  I learned from last year."he put cam down on a fold out Chair and kissed his cheek. 
"Mph Mph!!!" cam grunted angrily.
"love you too baby~~" he went over and got fire works out of the trunk of the car. He started setting them off. Veronica laughed and clapped. 
"see daddy cam? They're not dangerous."
"Mph Mph."
"huh?" Veronica asked.
"you want me to take the tape off?" she asked.
"Mhm!" cam nodded.
"sorry. That's for daddy Noah to do." she sat down and got into her bag, pulling out her sticker book.  She put stickers all over cam's face. She pulled out a pen and drew a smile on the tape.
Noah walked over "how are you two doing?"
"good! Daddy cam looks pretty now! And he's smiling!"
"Mph Mph mpppph!!!!"
Noah chuckled. "I see that." he hugged both of them. "I love you guys"
"love you too daddy Noah!"
"Mph Mph Mph Mph." Noah kissed the tape and they all started watching the fire works together

together tell the end (cam x Noah) (ocxoc)Where stories live. Discover now