Cam's birthday

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Cam woke up, he tried to move but he couldn't, he was all taped up with a black cloth tied around his mouth. "Mph!?" he struggled a bit, he realized that he didn't have socks on, he was in his blue jeans, and a black tank-top, Noah came into the room and smiled
"happy Birthday~" he climbed into bed and cuddled cam, cam wiggled and moaned into his gag Noah slid his hand down cam's pants, grabbing his erected cock. 
"Mph Mph mpppph!!!!" cam tried to yell and struggled. 

"today's gonna be a good day baby~~!" Noah got out of bed and picked cam up.  He took cam to the kitchen and put him in a chair.  "so you ready for breakfast~?"

"Mhm!!" cam was excited, Noah's cooking was so good, even better than his own.  Noah brought over a plate of bacon and eggs.  He pulled the cloth Down to cams neck and started feeding him.  "oh my g-d this is soooo good!!!"

"later you'll have something even better~" after he finished feeding cam he pulled the gag back over his mouth and smiled.  "g-d I love you~" he got down and pulled cams pants and underwear down "wow you're fully hard~~~" he started so jerk cam off
"you like it~? How about this~~~" He started sucking on cams dick. 
"Mph Mph m-mph mhmhmpmh!!!" cam moaned, he went cross eyed. He after he cummed into Noah's mouth Noah spit it out into the sink he then came back and pulled cams underwear up.  He looked up at cam, he tied the cloth so tightly That he could see his lips through the gag. "oh my g-d that's so cute~ you're so cute like this~~~!!!" cam blushed and wiggled his toes.  "oh does someone want tickles~~?' cam's eyes Widened and he started nodding. He loved tickles
He grabbed cam's feet and started tickling him,cam started laughing into his gag. "I love it when you laugh~ especially you're gagged laugh~" after a few minuets he pulled cam into a cuddle and smiled.  "this is mine.  All mine." he said, licking cam's cheek. 
"Mph~~!" Noah bit the gag "Mph mpppph Mph Mph~~~~!!!"
"g-d damn baby can you be any more cute~?" cam made puppy dog eyes at noah "okay that answers that!!!"

Hours past, noah ungagged cam and pulled his own pants and underwear down.  "ready? Say Aw~!"
"Awwwwww-mph~!!!" Noah stuck his dick into cam's mouth and he started giving Noah a blow job.  Noah moaned. 
"oh g-d why are you so good at this~!?!?" after he came into cams mouth he helped cam spit it out then regagged him.  "moan once if you want to have sex~~~"
"MMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHH!!!!!" cam moaned very loudly. Noah stuck his dick into cam's ass after putting on a condom and they both moaned.  Noah fucked cam extremely hard.  "doing good babe~?"

After they finished Noah cuddled cam, cam fell asleep with his head on Noah, his snores were kinda muffled from his gag. 
"so cute~" he softly kissed cam's gag and started falling asleep. "I love you so much cam. " Noah said while falling asleep, he grabbed cam's necked butt as they slept.

together tell the end (cam x Noah) (ocxoc)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ