Chapter Twenty Five

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Ariana's POV

" You guys ready?" I ask walking into the boys' hotel room.

" Yeah!!!" Michael says.

" Before we go, Ariana can I talk to you alone?" Calum asks.

" Yeah." I say.

The rest of the boys go an wait outside while me and Calum sit on the couch.

" So??" I ask.

" Ariana....." Calum says giving me this familiar look


" No Calum no. You can't have these feelings again no. Calum I'm finally happy and now you show up a say you have feelings again? That's not right. You were supposed to do that before you let. Not 6 years later. What the hell Calum. I thought we talked about this before you left? That we weren't going to have these feelings again if we met up in the future. Why Calum? is this why you never called or texted?" I said mad.

" Ariana listen to me-." I cut him off.

" No Calum. You need to loose these feelings like I did." I say walking out of the hotel room.


Calum's POV

" No Calum. You need to loose these feelings like I did." Ariana said walking out of the hotel room.

She won't listen to what I have to say. This is the reason why I didn't call or text. These feelings. I knew if I started talking to her I would tell her about them. I couldn't do this to her. I've a!ready caused her enough heart break over the years in England. I just couldn't. I get and walk out of the hotel to the car. The whole ride to the movies Ariana wouldn't even talk to me. I made a mistake by telling her. I shouldn't have, she happy she would never want me. She has Luke. We get into the theater and get our tickets. We are going to see Lucy. It looks really good. We get out popcorn and our drinks then go find a seat in the theater.

× After the movie ×

Luke's POV

For some reason Ariana won't talk to Calum. It seems like she's mad at him for some reason. Neither Calum or Ariana won't tell me what's wrong. I just needed to figure out whats going on between them. Cause something isn't right. Ariana and I are cuddling in our bed. Our bed was seriously very comfortable. Better than the one back at home. I think I might ask her about the whole Calum situation.

" What's going on between you and Cal babe?" I ask.

" I'm just mad at him." She says.

" Why are you mad at him? " I ask stroking her long brown hair.

" He didn't call or text me at all when he moved like he promised. He promised that we would continue to be best friends after he left. But obviously that didnt happen. And today he tried to explain why and I just got mad at him because he broke that promise we made six years ago when we were 10." She says.

" I'm sorry Babe." I say hugging her.

" Can we please talk about something else now?" She asks kissing me.

I nodded as I kissed her back. This kiss turned into a make out session. My hands found their way around her waist as hers went around my neck. I start leaving kisses all down her neck.

" Hey luke- Uh never mind I'll just go." Ashton says walking out of the room.

" Cockblock." Ariana says making me laugh.

The rest of the night we just cuddled. But I get this feeling that Ariana isn't telling the truth. I don't know. I'll try and talk to Cal tomorrow. Soon sleep fell over both of us.



Sorry about the sucky chapter.

What did you guys think?

And also I had this plan to tweet the link to Luke, Ashton, Cal And Mikey.

Would you guys help me?

My twitter is jazzzzz2134.

I would love you forever if they read it and it was your tweet.

Thank you for everything guys.

Amnesia has gotten 80 votes so far and I'm so proud of myself.

Anyways you know what to do.

Love you all

Stay adorable.

----- Jasmineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Muah

Amnesia Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora