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Ariana's POV

Okay I think today is the day I am going to tell Luke I only have a year to live. But what if he breaks up with me? No Luke wouldn't do that he's not like that. I decided to call Luke and ask him to come over. Luke said he will be here in 5 minutes. I just listen to music while I wait. Soon I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs and open the door.

" Hey babe" Luke said.

" Follow me I have something important to tell you" I say leading him to my room. I'm so nervous what if he leaves me? I'm so scared to tell him.

" Okay so what did you want to tell me?" He asks.

" Okay first let me tell you the whole story. I was diagnosed with cancer in my lungs when I was 12 and have been on treatments since then. They thought everything was working until two years ago. Fluid start going into my lungs and I almost died. Then before I moved here I had a doctors appointment and we found out that I only have...........I only have a year to live." I say crying. Luke just stands up gets down on his keens and lifts my head up.

" Ariana we are going to get through this together. I will be here for you through it all I promise." He says planting a kiss on my forehead.

" We have to get the oxygen tank like Hazel Grace's in a week so I can be on oxygen support. But that's not going to stop me from living my life to the fullest with you!" I say hugging him.

" Let's go for a walk" Luke says grabbing my hand.

We walk to the park and sit on the swings just talking for what seemed like forever. I love being with him. He made me feel safe, loved,excited and beautiful. I just want to be with him forever but I cant which makes we want to scream and cry. I just wish that I was never diagnosed. I wish is could be a normal teenager.



No this isn't happening again! Nooo!!

" MOOOOOMMMMM" I scream.

" I'm gonna call uncle Paul. " She said while getting me ready to go the hospital.

" He's on his way." She says. She helps me out of my bed. She puts my shoes on and my jacket and right as we go outside uncle Paul is there wait for us. He comes picks me up bridal style and outs me in the backseat. Why did this have to happen to me. They say I probably would never happen again. We get to the hospital and they put me onto the stretcher and bring me to a room. They knock me out so I can't feel them draining the fluid from my lungs. Would I die? What's going to happen to me? I need to live. Soon I fall asleep.

To be continued.........






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