It'll be alright..

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"Hey baby, you made me very mad tonight. You didn't let me finish my plans. You know how mad that makes me." Luca quickly grabbed my phone and put it on speaker. I was glad he did.

"Alex.. how could you? Why did you do this?" I asked crying. "Oh, no reason. You see I needed you to get pregnant. Once you had your child, I could kill you, and let the baby grow up. It would be after all the heir of my mafia. I would train it to become like me. Once it turned eighteen, it could take the money from your parents and it would come to me. Yeah if you didn't know, your parents left you money. But no one knows where. So if I had the baby, it'd be given to me, automatically and I would become rich!"

I swear I could not take much more of this. "A mafia?! My baby?! My parents, their money. What?!" I couldn't process this much more. I handed the phone to Luca saying that I can't do this anymore. Please help me. He got the message.

"Look I don't know who you think you are, but you're never ever coming near Valentina AGAIN. The friend can't ever come either. Stay away from her. Or you'll regret it. So so so much." They both laugh evilly. "I see the boy toy is still with you. Well, just to let you both know, Luca is next. Bye!" They say in unison. 

"I'm taking you to my house. I'm pretty sure you could use a friend." He said. He had no emotion. He spoke in such a monotone voice it was scary. But I could tell he was angry. I bet he was trying not to do anything that could get us killed. He was controlling his anger. "O-okay, thank y-you." I lightly cried. I didn't want him to get annoyed with me.

As we arrived at the house, he carried me to Stella's room. I don't know why he carried me, but I didn't complain. He knocked on her door, luckily she was still awake with her light on. The look on her face was heartbreaking.

"Oh my god, what happened?! Luca, is she alright? Here set her on my bed please." She sounded like she was about to cry. "I don't think it's my place to tell you. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to be letting off some steam in the basement. Sorry if I'm too loud. Just tell me." And with that, he was gone.

"Hey Val, you want to take a shower?"

"Yes," I replied quietly. "Could you come in there with me and just sit on the toilet or something? Please?"

"Oh my god, babe, of course, I will. Go get undressed, and just say when you're in the shower."

I felt so relieved, I didn't care what I was doing, I did not want to be alone right now. I planned on letting the hot water wash everything that happened to me down the drain. Praying to god it'd work.

"Alright, you can come in." I started the shower, and just sat on the floor. I felt disgusting. I was devastated. I just lost a 'best friend' and my fiancé. Both of them, will never ever be in my life again. I hated them with a passion. And every minute I spent alone thinking about them both, I could feel the anger getting worse.

"Hey. Val? You're kinda quiet, are you okay?" Stel's voice cut through my thoughts. I'm glad she stopped me from thinking about them. "Hey, I'm alright. Just thinking. But I don't want to think right now. Please take my mind off of it?" I said crying once again. It was noticeable in my words. I didn't mean to start crying again. Oh well, maybe it'd be good to just let it out.

I started sobbing. It was loud. Not on purpose. But I couldn't hold it in. And I think it wouldn't have been healthy too. "Hey hey, let it out, I'm right here for you. Why don't you get out, I'll bring you some clothes, then I need to give you a big hug."

"Alright," I muttered. She left and got comfy pajamas, and set them on the counter. As I got out and dried myself off, the bruises on my waist, wrists, and thighs were so noticeable. Once again I felt broken. How could one possibly do this to someone, for their own desires? Why would he do this to me? He didn't know my past, but it still did not give him the right to do this. It gave no one the right.

I got dressed and walked out, Stella was waiting there for me, arms opened. I really needed some comfort. I ran to her arms. And hugged her tight. She let me cry into her shoulder. And sent me smiles every time I looked up, confirming that she got me. That she wasn't going to let go. It was about two a.m. She decided we should go to bed. I agreed. We just laid there till she fell asleep. I couldn't sleep. Especially with tonight's events still in my head. I got up. I didn't know where I was going, and just let my feet take me.

Until I ended up in a room with lots of equipment. Mostly punching bags, the rest looked under construction. As I looked around the room, I saw a shirtless figure. Standing there wrapping his wrists in I have no idea what. He looked like he was about to hit the bag, as he was in a fighting position. I accidentally made a noise, and with those bat-like ears, he heard me and quickly turned around. He smirked at me, he noticed I was staring at him.

Damn the body on this boy. His smirk was never appealing till now. I never really got a chance to look at him. Like in a special way. The way he smirks is I don't even know. The way his eyes lit up as he looked at me. Obviously amused. His body was breathtaking. I realized I was probably staring too long. He must've noticed too because as I stopped staring, he was in front of me. I finally made eye contact.

All I could mutter out was "Grazie."

Author's comments:

Hey, sorry these chapters are short, new writer. This gets better I guess. 

Untouched, Unbothered {Completed}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz