Chapter 26: It's a French restaurant.

Start from the beginning

"I don't get why there are three forks on the table," Liam says confused and I laugh.

"It's a French restaurant, each fork has its purpose," I tell him.

He still looks confused so I explain to him. "This is a fish fork, this one is a dessert fork and lastly this is a joint fork," I say showing him my forks and which is which.

"My sweetheart is so smart, she knows all her cutlery." He teases.

"We went to the same etiquette school, Liam. I'm pretty sure we were taught all these things together, you just weren't paying attention."

"Don't you think it's annoying how our parents literally took us all to the same schools. The etiquette school is in London but yet they all took us there." Liam says.

He's right. Rob, Nicole, Ian, Brian, Colton, Emily, Jacob, Tyler, Liam, I and some of our friends in Bluefall all attended the same schools since we were little kids. Even though Tyler and Jacob didn't start attending Hardwood University with us, they are now.

"I think it's something that they plan at the council. They want us to be close like they are."

"But we didn't attend the same high school or any other school till Hardwood with Camilla and her parents are part of the council." He says.

"You can ask her why then, the next time you see her," I say, slightly jealous that he brought her up.

"I didn't mean to make you jealous. She was just the first person that came to my mind." He says and I gasp.

"That's because you still think about her!" I exclaim angrily.

I pick my Dior handbag and leave the restaurant.

I may be ranked as the hottest girl in my university but that doesn't mean that I don't have insecurities.

Camilla comes second and I won't deny how gorgeous or beautiful she is. Liam might still be in love with her.

I take a cab and go back to the hotel. I know it's wrong to leave Liam there but I can't think about that right now.


I come out of the bathroom after taking a long shower and dressing into my night wears. I stare at Liam in shock as I see him sitting on my bed. "When did you get here?"

He doesn't say anything. He just comes to me and crashes his lips on mine. He puts his hands around my neck and pulls me closer. I grab him by the waist, finally letting myself enjoy the kiss.

"It breaks my heart to know that you don't trust the feelings that I have for you." Liam sadly says after breaking the kiss.

My heart aches as I hear his tone and see the sadness in his eyes.

"I do. It's just that you and she were together for so long and she's so beautiful." I bow my head down.

"That doesn't mean anything! She is a fucking bitch and being with you made me realize that I was never in love with her. Yes, she is attractive but she is not half as beautiful as you are." He puts his hands on my face and raises it to look at him. He grazes my cheek and I lean into his hands.

"But.." I start.

"No buts, Amelia and if I did really like her or love being with her, I wouldn't have fallen for you. I'm sorry that I brought her up. I didn't really think it would bother you." He hugs me.

I feel relief in my heart as he finished saying those words. I didn't know that I am a jealous type of girl until I met Liam. So much has gone on since we began to like each other.

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