Jey Uso (request)

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"I'll be home Thursday, babe. I love you,"My husband, Jey said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Bye! I love you too," I replied. Usually, I go on a whole rant about how much I don't want him to leave me, but this time was different. I had something planned, that's all.

"Sounds like you want me to go," Jey fake pouted. "I don't! I just have a lot to do and it would be easier to get it done without you trying to make out with me all the time. No offence, Jey. I really would like you to stay but... y'know. And I'm not injured anymore!" I went off, not wanting him to get the wrong ideas.

"I know, Mya, I just worry about you okay. And seeing you with that ACL injury is enough worrying for me for a lifetime," Jey chuckled. "You sure you're okay?" He asked. I nodded and told him that I was fine and he had nothing to worry about.

"I love you!" I called out to him as he got into the Uber that was taking him to the airport. I sighed and rushed upstairs to pack. I got my suitcase out of the storage closet and plopped it on the bed.

I opened my wardrobe, eagerly picking out suitable clothes for Atlanta, which was where Smackdown Live was being aired. The memories of doing this on a near daily basis flooded back to me as I folded the clothes and put them in the case. I put my laptop at the bottom as well and excitedly picked up my phone and dialled my sister-in-law, Naomi.

"Hey girlll," she sang. I giggled. "Hey, Naomi! I've just finished packing! What time is the flight?" I smiled. "In 2 hours! So get to my house, now!" She giggled. "Jimmy went with Jey to keep him finding out our little secret," she explained. "Perfect! I'll be there in around 10 mins! Love you!" I responded, excited to finally go through with this almost crazy idea.

I got into my car and drove to Naomi's house which wasn't far from my own. The second I knocked on the door, I was tackled into a huge hug, having the life squeezed out of me.

"Naomi- I can't breathe!" I gasped out. She giggled and let me go, pulling a bag out from behind her.

"Let's go!" She declared. I grinned widely and nodded, getting back into my car, with Naomi in the passenger seat as I drove to the hospital.

"The flight got delayed? Okay, what time? Oh? What about our flight, we can't risk him seeing us? Oh okay. Love you too," Naomi said as she was on the phone. "The boys' flight got delayed for an hour, he said he's gonna get Jey to the other side of the airport, to avoid us," she explained, turning to me. I nodded and got out of the car.

Naomi and I went through security and bag check with ease, but then we began nearing the area where my husband was. It was risky but hopefully, Jimmy could keep him far enough away.

There was a huge crowd of people, all ready to get on the same flight Naomi and I were, and I couldn't help but release a sigh of relief when I realised we had successfully pulled it off.

"Yes girl! We're ninjas!" I joked. "Damn! Don't go over there, it's the Fatu Ninjas!" Naomi added as we broke out in a fit of laughter.

A woman's voice sounded through the speaker, announcing that we were boarding. Naomi dragged me on to the plane and sat me down.

"I can't wait to see Jey's reaction when you come back!" Naomi's grin was so wide I was surprised her cheeks weren't hurting her. "Me neither! Right now Jey just thinks I'm at home watching TV or cooking. It's gonna be priceless!" I ranted. "I know! I'm so happy for you to return as well, it's been a whole 9 months without my sister in law!" She put on a fake put and I laughed.

The rest of the flight was filled with jokes, boredom, laughter, more boredom and drawing and even more boredom. But alas, we made it to Atlanta and we did it without Jey seeing us.

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