Dean Ambrose (request)

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"Seth! What the hell!? Why would you?!" Rory yelled. "Aurora, it's what's best for business and you know it!" Seth retorted. "No! It's not! The Shield were huge, loved and idolised! Now all you get is hate, you sellout!" Rory exclaimed.

Seth scoffed and left the angry woman. Rory caught sight of Dean Ambrose walking alone, hair messy and sweat dripping from his forehead. His head was faced towards the ground, shaking every so often. He was in his own world and so couldn't hear the sounds of Rory approaching.

"Ambrose?" She said, barely above a whisper. "What?" The man shot angrily. "I-I just wanted to see if you were okay..." Rory muttered. "I'm fine. Now leave!" He demanded. "B-but~" Rory just sighed. "Never mind. Just- just don't do anything stupid," Dean just rolled his eyes and ignored her.

Aurora stood there, hair dangling down her face as she tried to think of a solution to this problem. It was obvious Dean was hurt, she could tell by his eyes. The way he looked at her, the fire dying in his eyes. It hurt Rory to think of how he felt. She knew that he didn't trust much people and the fact that Seth, someone who he may have trusted with his life, hurt him in that way. Almost literally stabbed him in the back.

4 weeks later...

No one had heard Dean speak, nor had anyone dared to go within a 10 meter radius of him. That was impossible unless they wished to leave the arena in an ambulance.
Rory wanted to try and help him, she wanted to be there for him and let him release that hurricane of emotions.

But she couldn't. She tried so hard to get close to him but he would scowl at her and threaten her. She wasn't the bravest of souls but she wouldn't give up.

"Ambrose! Listen, I know you want me to~" Rory began, voice the opposite of eager, knowing she was going to get rejected. "Just go away, Rory. I don't need friends," Dean groaned. "But you want friends!" Rory interpreted. "No. Just go away. You're lucky I haven't pushed you away so hard, you fall and break your neck," Dean spat.
"That is true. But... I mean you've tolerated me constantly annoying you this long! And I bet if I randomly stopped coming up and telling you random things, then you would find it weird!" Rory joked as Dean began walking.

"So, I'm thinking of getting a dog. What breed? Do you like dogs? Should I even get one?" Rory's questions irritated Dean. He wasn't mentally stable and he wanted nothing more than to just push her away. But he didn't. He couldn't. He wanted to scream at her to go away, to see the fear in her eyes as she noticed her mistake. He couldn't do that. He just... couldn't.

"What would I name it if it was a pug, though? Hm... should I get a girl- yeah definitely a girl. But a name..." Rory thought. Dean couldn't resist a chuckle. "So mindless," he said to cover up his small joy. "Mindless? And you're the one to talk Mr Ambrose Asylum!" Rory laughed. Dean rolled his eyes. "Say something like that again, you're dead," Dean said, coldly.

Aurora still continued to follow Dean around the arena like a lost puppy, rambling things that the man didn't even care about. But he found as relaxing as it was annoying. He knew the latter was right. It would be weird without her small, cute rambles as he tried to shake her away. He couldn't deny that he had grown fond of her over the last month or so, but that didn't mean he didn't find her annoying.

Yes, he wanted her to leave, but at the same time stay. She'd been the only one who'd stayed with him this long. Even his brothers, Seth and Roman fell apart. Ever since that day, Dean dressed himself, but the fact Aurora wouldn't give up on trying to help him... helped him. He knew she cared and he couldn't be more grateful. Even if he thought he hated her.

"Do you ever shut up!? Oh my god!"  Dean groaned. "Sorry. But just tell me what to name my black, female Labrador that I'm getting next week!" Rory smiled. "What?" Dean asked. "Wow. You weren't even paying attention," Rory sighed. "Oh well. Just give me a name," Dean let out another groan. "Coco! Now leave," he replied.

Rory smiled toothily, standing her ground behind the larger male. "Nope! I'll stay!" She laughed. Dean groaned once again but began walking, the girl following.

"So, how're you feeling against your match with Seth on Sunday?" Rory asked. Dean shrugged. "I'm excited! It's gonna be a great match! But also be careful! Seth isn't weak and knows you very well," She went off. "Rory, no one really knows me," Dean said, deep and cold, sending shivers down the woman's spine. "I mean... t-thats  true. You're ... un-unpredictable," Rory stuttered.

"Dean?" Rory said, quietly. "Do you like me?" Dean looked at her, confused by her question. "More than a lot of people. You care. I appreciate that. But no. I don't like you, you're too annoying," Dean replied. Rory couldn't help but smile. "Um... i mean, I get you're fed up of me, but I mean, you haven't killed me yet," She joked. "Don't blow it," Dean spat. She smiled sheepishly.


"DEAN!" Rory screamed when she saw the male. Dean groaned, furious about losing to Rollins and now having to deal with 'the most annoying girl on the planet'.  He was in the mood to beat the hell out of someone since a victory was robbed off him. He wouldn't care what anyone thought. He was the lunatic fringe, after all.

"What?!" He snapped. "I'm so sorry you lost! You really didn't deserve~" she didn't get time to finish her sentence.  "I KNOW I DIDN'T!" Dean lashed. Rory froze in place. "Dean I~" Rory was at a loss for words. She knew he got mad at her sometimes (often) but never this mad. He was looking at her with that fire in his eyes. The one he'd show to Seth Rollins. The one that showed a beat down was near. Rory's heart stopped when she saw it. The veins in his neck became visible due to the straining from anger.


She felt the tears in her eyes from fear and hurt. She wanted to help him. His words stung like a thousand knives. "I'm sorry..." she whispered. "Leave." Dean said coldly and sternly.

Dean's eyes were ice cold, locked like a gun, it's target being Aurora Ellis. Rory slowly walked away, the tears subconsciously falling, not that she cared.

"I'm sorry..." she repeated, a sob after. Dean's eyes softened but his stature didn't. He still towered intimidatingly over her, making her shake more and more.

Rory ran off. That was the last time he saw or heard from her. That childish voice that made him want to break his cold shield was gone. He felt lonely. He felt lost. Every night before he slept he couldn't get the image out of his head. The way she looked at him in terror, tears streaming down her face as she stumbled back, muffled apologies leaving her quivering lips. It pained him. The silence pained him. Her silence.

He scared her away because he was too cold. Oh how she was right. Nothing was the same without her. He constantly thought about her. The way he hurt her. The thought that he lost his one small chance at any positivity. No one ever approached him. Ever. Except Rory but she's gone.


"Rory..." Dean whispered, barely catching the attention of the female who's been destroying his life. Rory froze in place, slowly turning around, eyes meeting his. He had bags under his eyes, he'd gained muscles but still looked dead.

"Dean?" She muttered. "Rory... where have you been?" He asked, softly. "I left. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be such a burden to you, I just wanted to help you. No one can live their life without anyone else... except you. I admire you, Dean. There was just something about you, something about the vibe you gave off that attracted me to you," Rory explained. "You were right.  I hate the silence. I'm sorry. Without you, it's too weird," Dean explained. "I'm sorry. I know what I said. I didn't mean it. I need you. You're the one light in my life," Rory stared wide eyed. "I- what?" She muttered. "I'm sorry," Dean said. Rory nodded. "So am I. I didn't mean to annoy you so much," she whispered. "No. Just don't be silent," he ordered before turning in his heel and leaving Rory bewildered in the same place.

I'm sorry this is late, I've been so busy lately! I hope you enjoy it 😅

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