Adam Cole

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"C'mon, then!" Y/BF/N called out to you. "Just a sec, I need to do my lace!" You answered back. "Hurry up! You're gonna make me miss my match!" He groaned, standing by your side. You finished tying your lace but was quickly dragged away.

Y/BF/N let go of you once the two of you were about to go to the ring. He left a handprint. He noticed it. "Don't let anyone see that. You do, and... well you already know what'll happen," he smirked. You gulped and nodded. His theme began to play and you joined arms with him, as much as you didn't want to. "Don't get involved," he whispered. "I don't want my angel to get hurt," he kissed your cheek, and you walked out behind him.

Y/BF/N's opponent, Adam Cole was already out there. He looked over to you and you hid the mark he'd left on your wrist.

The bell rang and Adam went right at Y/BF/N, taking him down. You watched intently as Y/BF/N began to stir. Adam was going to super kick Y/BF/N as soon as he got up but his leg was caught and was swung right over Y/BF/N. "Come on Y/BF/N!" You cheered. Adam looked over at you and glared. You glared back, but you couldn't help but notice the smirk forming on his face.

"She's off limits, Cole!" Y/BF/N yelled, grabbing his hair and pulling him to his feet. Y/BF/N punched Adam who punched him back, getting angry. Adam punched Y/BF/N a few more times before kicking him in the side of the head, sending him to the mat. Adam went for the cover but he kicked out at two.

You noticed Adam going for his finisher and quickly rushed in, next to Y/BF/N. "Move, Y/N," Adam sighed. You shook your head. "C'mon. I don't wanna hurt you," he stated bluntly.

Y/BF/N got up and shoved you. Adam looked shocked and you looked ashamed. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET INVOLVED!" Y/BF/N yelled. You looked down ashamed as Adam stared holes through Y/BF/N. "I'm sorry... I was just trying to help," you mustered.

Y/BF/N turned around to face Adam but was hit by his finisher. Adam went for the cover again and picked up the victory.

He turned to you and smirked. He grabbed your wrist, the same one which Y/BF/N marked, and you flinched. The crowd were chanting for you and Adam and Y/BF/N rolled out of the ring. Adam gave you sympathetic eyes, and walked closer to you.

You didn't know what to do as he stared you deep in the eye and reached out for your hand. "He's not cool. He's nothing like me, princess," he smirked. It was like he put you in a trance because you took his hand and left the arena, leaving the fans screaming and Y/BF/N furious.

Adam took you back to his locker room and sat you down.

"Why did you flinch? Out there?" He asked, leaning close to you. You were silent. "Does he hurt you? Because if he does I will rip his head off," Adam looked serious. "He controls me, and scares me," you admitted, looking down at your feet. "Well a pretty little thing like you, should not be treated with such disrespect," he smirked. You laughed. "You're such a flirt Mr Cole," you giggled. "Only around those who I find.... extremely attractive," he made you blush. "Oh? So you like my flirting?" He chuckled. You rolled your eyes. "Try some other time, Cole. I got me a man," you stood up, but was dragged down.

He forcefully pressed his lips against yours, and you kissed back just as hard. You were the one who deepened the kiss.

"Y/N?" A voice called. It was Y/BF/N. You pulled away and Adam shook his head, pulling you right back in. "Y/N I swear to God I will-" Y/BF/N stopped talking as he saw you still making out with Cole. "She's a bit busy at the moment," Adam muttered, pulling away for a split second. "With a real man," he added.

Y/BF/N didn't know what to do so he stormed and left. "You decide who makes you feel better," Adam said, kissing your jawline. "I already have," you smirked.

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