Adam Cole

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I walked through the halls, fresh of my debut victory.

I received a lot of congratulations from both superstars and producers. I stopped when I saw the NXT women's champion, Ember Moon.

"You did good out there," She smiled at me. "Thanks, Ember. I wrestle to the best of my ability at any given night. Whether it's a house show or a PPV like this," I replied. "That's exactly what mindset a champion needs. Who knows, maybe once I'm on Raw or SmackDown Live, you could be holding this gold on your shoulder," Ember smiled. "You really deserve it, you've had one of the best careers, L/N," I felt so proud of myself and was grateful for her. "Thanks Ember. That means so much coming from you. Anyway, I'm gonna go get a shower, good luck against Kairi," I smiled at her as I walked away.

"She only said that because she fees sorry for you. That match was more boring than all of Roman Reigns' put together," my ex boyfriend Adam Cole said as he stepped out of a random room. "No she didn't and Roman's matches are good, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make,"  I replied, trying to shove past him. This is why we broke up, he was too mean to me and then he left for WWE so it was necessary.
"So you say. And my point is you can't wrestle. You've only just debuted and I've been here a good 3 months now, and I'm already champion," he grinned smugly and patted his golden belt. "Oh how nice," I just wanted to get away from him. "I know. And why are you trying to leave? I thought that whenever I'm near you all you wanna do is kiss me? At least that's what you used to say," Adam smirked at me as I began to get angrier. "Yeh because I actually loved you then! Now you're just nasty prick!" I yelled shoving him only making him step back a little and laugh. "Oh, baby. There's no need for violence,"

I couldn't deny the fact I still had feelings for Adam. He was my best friend for years and then we began dating. Near the end of our relationship, Adam got colder towards me and his friends and so we decided it was best to end things. After that he'd tease me of all the cute, cringe words we'd share.

"Then get out of my way!" I yelled. I must've looked ridiculous considering I was just up to his shoulder. "Is that really want you want? Because I think you want to shut up. You want me to kiss you to shut you up, just like old times when you'd argue with one of the boys or with me," Adam's voice softened as he began stroking my hair. "Do you?" His lips brushed against mine. "Y-yes," I replied before I could stop myself.

That's exactly what he did. The kiss was soft and passionate, just like how he would usually do it. I missed it so much it was wild. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. "C'mon, you can have a shower in here," Adam took me to the Undisputed Era's locker room where Bobby and Kyle were getting ready for their match against SAnitY.

"What's she doin' here? I thought you hated her, called her a-" Bobby began but Adam interrupted him. "That was ages ago," he smiled as he put his arm around me. "It was literally 10 minutes ago whilst we were watching her match," Kyle told him.

I looked up at Adam's red face as he stepped away from me. "I- have literally no excuse. Sorry, I guess," he said casually. "Go get your shower, then just do whatever," Adam said, sadly.

I did as he said and, even though the water running was really loud, I could her Adam arguing with Bobby and Kyle.

"Well you shouldn't have!" He yelled. "But she had to know! If you get back together and you hate her she has to know she's with the wrong man!" I heard Bobby yell back at Adam. "I don't hate her! I just wanna be like any other ex boyfriend and not get along! I still love her! I love her more than I love a million bucks!" Adam confessed.

I was so sure my heart stopped beating then. Adam loved me? If he'd told me like 6 months ago I would've believed him but now... it's as if we went back in time to before our relationship when he confessed himself to me and we shared our first kiss.

"I know you do! You go on about her every second of every day! But if you ask me you blew it once and you just blew it again, Cole," Kyle calmly pointed out. "Shut up! I'd understand why she'd hate me! But the reality is I'm not complete without her and.... I'm never getting her back, am I?" Adam said sadly. I'd stepped out of the shower and wrapped a teal towel around my hair and a white one around my body.

I stepped out during Adam's rave about me and only Bobby and Kyle seemed to notice me and were about to say something until I put my finger on my lip. Kyle winked at me as Adam kicked an empty soda can that was on floor into the wall which was a good few metres away. "I love her so so so damn much," he said between gritted teeth. "I'm such an idiot,"
"I know you are. Do you have any clothes?" I asked casually. "In the drawer," Adam said, eyeing my body up and down. "You can put on a pair of Kyle's shorts, they might be big on you but he's the smallest size out of all of us and just whatever t-shirt you find in there," Adam was eyeing one part of my body in particular. It wasn't weird to me, if it was any other man then yes but not Adam. We had too much of a connection.

I grabbed Kyle's shorts and an Undisputed Era t shirt.

I changed behind the bathroom door and it only took a 2 minutes considering I needed to tie my hair up and dry my body completely.

"So how much did you hear?" Adam asked, ashamed of himself. "All of it! You guys speak so loud. And for what it's worth, I still love you too," I winked at him before I left to put underwear on and real clothes. Actually no just to put underwear on, these are really comfy clothes.

As I opened the door to my section of the women's locker room, I felt hands grab my waist. The hand of a man grabbed the door and shoved us both inside.

I was placed down and turned around to face the man who turned out to be Adam Cole. "I really effin' love ya," Adam said before kissing me softly. It was anything but rough. It was how he'd kiss me after an argument or if I was upset.

He put his hands in my hair and I did the same. He pulled away from me when he lost his breath. "Forgive me?" He asked, cutely. "Yeh, sure whatever, I love you so why not?" I chuckled. "Yay! We're in a relationship again. Man I missed this! And I promise to always love you this time," I laughed at his silliness and plumped down on the sofa. "What? I did!" He laughed at himself.

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