Bobby Roode (request)

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"Amy!" Bobby said running up to me. "How's my glorious girlfriend?" He flirted. "I'm good. What about you?" I giggled. "Better now that I've seen you," he replied, kissing my cheek. "Why are you so corny?" I asked, pushing him away. "I can't help it when there's a girl as beautiful as you in front of me," he kissed me.
"What's this about, Bobby?" I sighed. "Nothing. Just me showing my oh so glorious girlfriend how much I love her," he grinned. "Bobby.... stoppp," I blushed and hid my face behind my hair. "Do I leave you breathless?" He asked. I didn't respond. "I'll take that as a yes. You go change, princess. I'll be waiting," he kissed me one last time before walking away.

That was weird. He'd always made our relationship discreet, and was never a fan of PDA so that was very rare.

I shrugged it off and went to my locker room to get changed into my black and blue ring gear.

Just like he said, Bobby was waiting outside with a smirk on his face.

"Stunning. As always. Shall we?" He asked, extending his hand. I blushed and took it and we walked hand in hand to the gorilla.

It was one of my biggest matches and Bobby was going to be right there next to me.  I was facing Alexa Bliss for the Raw women's championship. I was told I was going to win, which made me a million times more excited. I hadn't told Bobby, I just told him to wait and see.

"Amy, you're up," a producer said and Bobby and I head out. "Can't wait for you to win, princess," Bobby said, kissing my cheek as he left the ring and Bliss entered.

It was a gruelling match, Alexa and I were both down, catching our breaths as the referee began his count.

"COME ON AMY!" Bobby yelled, bashing his hands on the apron and encouraging the crowd to follow.

I stumbled to my feet before Alexa and grabbed her hair. The referee told me to let go but I stunned her with an uppercut and just as she was about to fall to the ground, I hit her with the glorious DDT.

Bobby cheered for me, along with the crowd as I collapsed into the pin.


I stayed in the pin, too exhausted to move, my chest heaving in air. As loud as the roaring crowd were, I couldn't hear them. All I could hear was my heart beating 10mph.

I felt Bobby lift me up and hold me close to him and I couldn't help but feel safe in his strong hold. "I'm so proud, princess," he said, his face in my hair. I couldn't say anything.

I pulled away from him as I finally processed what happened. The referee handed me the belt and I held it high above my head.

I put my back to Bobby and I heard the crowd scream. I put my belt on my shoulder and smiled, hiding my confusion as I turned around.

My heart dropped.

Bobby was on the floor, knelt on one knee, a beautiful velvet box holding a mesmerising, diamond ring in one hand and a microphone in the other. I tried to hold in my squeal as I covered my mouth. My knees felt weak and the crowd deafened me.

"Amy. You are the most amazing girl- no, woman- I've ever laid my eyes on. I've known you most of my life and you've made each second of it worth while. You've always been there for me and I highly doubt I would be in this company now if it wasn't for you. Just your smile and your angelic eyes encourage me to try harder and push myself beyond the limit. Just looking at you makes me fall in love with you over and over again. Every time we have eye contact my heart skips a beat.... I guess what I'm trying to say is... I can't live without you. Amy.... will you marry me?" Bobby said, the crowd screaming louder for me to say yes as I wiped away tears of joy.

I nodded because words were unable to be produced. Bobby slipped the ring on my finger and threw the mic on the floor and pulled me in for the most passionate kiss we've ever shared. There was a few 'wolf whistles' and I chuckled into the kiss.

I saw Alexa from the corner of my eye clap and smile genuinely as if she was happy for us, and I think she was but I couldn't be sure.

We pulled away and we walked hand in hand backstage.

We walked to his locker room and sat straight down.

"I can't believe I'm marrying the woman of my dreams," Bobby sighed, leaning his head on my shoulder. "The feeling's mutual," I chuckled. "I love you," Bobby said, placing his hand on my cheek. "I love you too, Bobs," I giggled, leaning down to kiss him. He kissed back and pulled away. "You have no idea how much you mean to me. How happy I am to be marrying you," He sighed. "I think I do, Bobby," I smiled widely. He was the one to pull me into him. "You're a princess, Amy. I'm pretty sure you have no idea how special I feel to be the one you love," he looked me directly in the eye and I could tell he wasn't lying. "I love you too. More than words could say," I kissed him one more time.

Sorry it's late and for any mistakes

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