Chapter 9

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"Bi?" he furrowed his brows.

"As in bisexual." I said and he let out a long "oh" afterwards.

"What has that got to do with anything, though?" he asked.

"Until last night, I was in a relationship and then we kissed and well I felt very guilty and I told her and we b-broke up." I choked on my sob.

He reached out for me and gave me a hug and constantly apologized. There we were, on the bathroom floor, I was crying and Frank was comforting me. I never thought he would be the one helping me get through a break-up.

Then, he spoke, "Talia, look at me." he lifted my chin and wiped my tears away but I kept my eyes down because I knew if I was going to look him in the eyes I would be so tempted to kiss him.

"Hey." he said again.

"I can't do this." I got up and went to the bedroom to fix my hair so that I would look like half a decent human when my mom would come to pick me up. Just then, my phone rang so I picked it up.

"I'm downstairs honey." my mom spoke so softly through the phone.

"I'm coming." I said excitedly.

I picked up my bag and put my shoes on while being watched by Frank, "You pervert. Why are you staring?" I scoffed while walking to the door.

"Just text me when you get home dumbass, I don't want to have to go out to find you stranded again." he was coming in for a hug when I moved back and scoffed.

"Fine." I muttered so that he wouldn't hear me and went down to the car.


"Ahhh, my Talia!!" my mom threw her arms around me and kissed every inch of my face.

"Maa, I'm alive okay." I said laughing.

"Let's go home honey." she got back in the car and drove us back home.

After I got home, I checked my phone to see if Lauren had a change of heart to what had happened but I found no message from her so I just told Frank I made it home and worked on an assignment I had due that week.

I'm so done with this crap. I need a break. I thought. So I did. I went to my bed and lay down and started scrolling through my phone for updates on the new album that some artists were going to release. A few minutes later I heard pebbles being thrown on my window so I decided to check out who it was. I looked out from my window and say the silhouette of a tall boy.

Ugh, what does he want now?

"Hey! Come down!" he whisper shouted.

I motioned for him to wait and ran down to go outside to meet him.

"Wow you actually came..." he seemed shocked.

"I'm not evil, you dumbass. Now what do you want?" I asked him.

Frank was always so caring, it hurt that I was mean to him sometimes. I guess I just liked to tease him because I always felt like the older one even when I wasn't.

"I... Well you told me you would try things with me and... Well, I want to know what if feels like to g-get a hickey." his cheeks flushed a bright pink.

I laughed a little, "You came all the way to my house, so I could give you a hickey?" I laughed again, "You are really something Frank."

His cheeks were still a bright shade of pink when I spoke and laughed. I ended up agreeing since I had no more commitment. Lauren and I weren't together anymore so the only one who I could hurt was myself and well, I didn't really care anymore at this point. Again.

I pulled him behind a tree in my garden and told him to relax even if it hurt a little and with that I started planting kisses on his jawline, down to his neck, then his collar bone and as I went lower with my kisses his hands felt around lower on my body.

"Ready?" I whispered and he nodded.

I placed my lips on the side of his neck so that the hickey wouldn't show so much. I started sucking on the softest spot on his neck and heard him moan. This was only my second time giving a hickey but since he moaned I concluded he was enjoying. I didn't want it to leave too dark of a mark so I stopped after I decided it was long enough and puckered some kisses near the now sensitive area.

Afterwards, I thought everything would calm down and he would leave and I would go back to my room. But, I was wrong. He pushed me against the trunk of the tree and kissed me harder than the last time at the mall.

"You're so sexy." he said while he panted.

"I know." I smirked and kissed him again.

Moments later, his lips landed on my neck and lingered there for a while, "Can I?" he asked and I nodded. I didn't mind a hickey because I knew I could cover it with makeup. That night, I got to know the other side of Frank. The side no one knew because he was too shy to show anyone. He sucked at my neck at two spots leaving me with a pair of love marks. I let out curses in a whisper and brushed his hair with my hand.

"Now you're mine." he said flicking his head to the bright red hickeys.

"They disappear, you idiot." I said.

"I'll just have to keep giving you hickeys then." he shrugged.

We sat at the trunk of the tree, talking about out cute incident in second grade when I was dared to kiss him on the cheek and out moms found out and interrogated us as if we had committed a crime. He leaned in to kiss me again so I sat on his lap and kissed him back until I heard someone choking on their own sobs. I turned around to find a crying Lauren with a rose in her hand. I contemplated turning to her and giving her the infamous 'it's not what it looks like' but then I thought, can't I do something for myself for once?

And I did, I looked at her and turned back and kissed Frank again. God knows what he was thinking at this point.

Sure, I was a bitch. Did it hurt? Yeah, it did. But if I have to be a bitch to treat myself once in a while, then that's exactly what I'll do.

I kissed Frank until I knew Lauren had left and told him not to tell anyone about what happened and just ran up to my room.

HELLLOOOOOOOO! I'm back from my trip... Since I haven't updated in a long while, as promised this is going to be a double update. Enjoy!! 

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