Chapter 1

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"Time for school Talia. Wake up!" I heard my mom shout from the kitchen. I groaned in annoyance as I made my way out of bed to the bathroom. I was brushing my teeth when I my mom shouted again, "Talia are you up yet? Don't make me drag you down here!"

"Yeah Ma I'm bru-ing my teet-."

How the hell am I supposed to talk with a bunch of tooth paste in my mouth...

My mom didn't reply back so I guessed she got the message. I put my uniform on and threw my bag over my shoulder. I sang a sweet 'I'm going' before I gave my parents each a kiss on their cheeks and whizzed out the door to walk to school.

Hmm, it's not that hot today.

Well I guess I should introduce myself... My name is Talia Fields, I'm 18 years-old and well I guess I lead a normal lifestyle. As normal as a teen's life could be anyway.


I got to school just in time for the national anthem. Wow I must've really slept in, I'm never THIS late.

"Good morning Talia!"

"Hey Talia, what's up?"


Wow my friends are annoying.

I was too deep in thought to pay them any attention. I couldn't help but think about my friend liking one of my other friends. Was I jealous? Nope. But she never saw him for who he was and that was sad because she wanted nothing to do with him while he would've gone to the ends of the world to satisfy her. Wow I want a guy or girl like that. Oh right, another thing about me, I'm bi.

I shook the thoughts away as my friend, Mona, started poking at my shoulder. "HELLOOOO!! Is anyone in that head of yours???"

"Okay, can you chill I'm here! Gosh." I spat out.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..." she mumbled loud enough for me to hear and walked away.

What's going on? Maybe I'm pms-ing. I thought.


At recess, I felt much better and so the daily gossip began.

"Did you hear about Angelica? I heard she's dating a guy two years younger than her." said Daria.

"Well I heard that Lesley was lesbian! Can you believe it? Who would've thought the girliest girl in the school was homosexual!" Sandra said.

"EW! I don't get gay people, how can you even like a person from the same gender... Sex must be awkward!" Jessica said shyly. No one knew about me being bi because I never came out to anyone except for my other friend, Hannah, who is bi as well. It's okay though, I forgive her, she was raised in a very strict and religious household. God knows what they brainwashed her to believe.

"Hmm, Talia, what about you and Frank?" Lilly winked.

"Was that supposed to be funny? I already told you a million times that we're nothing and we're never gonna be together. Have I made myself clear this time?" I half-yelled. Seriously! It started off as a cute joke that I didn't mind but it went far. Too far. Especially because she knew he liked her. "Look it's pretty simple and I don't get why you can't get it through that thick head of yours. Just because we're close and we hang out doesn't mean we have a thing for each other. Got it?" I got up and left the circle we formed on the floor and walked back to class. Alone.


I got home and was exhausted because I had gym class last so I couldn't wait to hop into the shower.

"Talia, honey, don't forget we're going to visit Aunty Nancy's new house today. We're leaving at 5 p.m so be ready by then." Mom said.

"Okay Ma! I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed." I replied.

Shit! It's the weekend that's right! And it's already 3!!

Aunty Nancy is Frank's mom. I like to call her Aunty out of respect even though she isn't my aunt. I guess I should explain more about Frank... well, Frank and I met in kindergarten and our moms became good friends so every now and then we go and pay them a visit. Recently they moved into a new apartment so we wanted to give them a house warming gift. For some reason, Frank and I always kept in touch too. My mom thinks he likes me but boy is she wrong. To be honest, I did think about Frank and I being together at some point and I didn't mind it, but realistically, I knew it was never going to happen.

"Bye Dad, I'll see you later!" I gave him a quick kiss on his forehead and left with Mom.


"Be good today." my Mom eyed me. I couldn't believe my mother didn't trust me yet.

"Obviouslyyy! And ew Ma. Not with Frank! We've known each other forever I'm pretty sure THAT would be awkward." I emphasized on "that".


"Nancy we're downstairs what floor are you on again?"

"Eighth floor, apartment 805." I heard Aunty say on the phone.

"Alright, we're coming up be with you in a bit." Mom hung up and we walked towards the glass doors where two security guards were. They greeted us with genuine smiles and opened the doors for us to pass. I pressed on the square that had the number '8' on it and up we went. I walked up to the wooden door with the metal numbers '805' hammered into it and rang the bell. A lady about the same age as my Mom opened the door and greeted us with hugs and kisses telling us how long it had been since we last saw each other.

"Frank, come and say hi!" she called for her son.

Soon after a boy about a full head taller than me emerged in his usual khaki shorts and random shirt and greeted us as well, "Hi Aunty Pat," my Mom gave him a hug and two kisses, "Hey Talia." we just waved at each other and exchanged genuine smiles. It was awkward to hug in front of our Moms still.

Aunty Nancy was giving us a tour of the new apartment, the kitchen then the dining room followed by the living room, and finally the bedrooms with their respective bathrooms when I heard Frank whisper into my ear. "Yoo, I got Fornite, wanna play?" he looked at me with eager eyes. Ahh this boy, he's really a kid at heart even though he's older than me by a year. "Sure I'm down." I answered.


Right so, this is my first story so please show it some love.. I'll try my best to update regularly. Thank you so much for reading this and if you guys have any suggestions just let me know <3

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