Chapter 10

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As much as I was looking forward to my weekend, it ended up being the worst ever, and now I had to deal with the pressures of school.

I got up and covered the hickey I had praying that Frank would remember to do so as well. My daily routine repeated and so I bid my parents goodbye and off I went to school.

While I was walking to school, I thought about how I would miss this routine I had built up over the years. Next year would be completely different and I would be in university on the other side of the globe.

Wow. That's scary.


I got to school and double checked my neck to make sure there were no traces of the hickey and then walked in and greeted my friends.

"Hey Talia, when are you going to be free? We want to go out as a group and we wanted you with us..." said Mona.

"Yeah, sorry about that I've been going through some shit. I'll make sure to be free this week-end." I gave her a smile and continued, "also, did you see Hannah by any chance? I need to talk to her."

Mona shrugged, "I don't know she didn't come in yet."

I let out a sad 'okay' and went to prepare my books for the day.

I wonder why Hannah isn't here... I hope everything's okay with her.

The thought of Hannah not being at school lingered on my mind for a while but I quickly forgot about it as the day went on.

Later that day, I walked into the locker room only to see everyone already dressed in their sweats and ready to go. I put my backpack in my locker and changed quickly into the sweats I brought and tied my hair into my signature half bun and ran to catch up with the rest of my class.

"Hey Tal," Lilly came to jog next to me, "I heard from Max who heard from Andrew that Frank had a hickey on his neck."

My eyes widened.


"Taaaliaaaaaa, are you there???" she waved her hand in front of my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm here. I'm just shocked, do you blame me?" I raised a brow, "That boy never got a girl to go out with him, how do you expect me to believe he got a hickey?" I laughed sarcastically and kept my jogging pace to avoid her gaze.

"That's what I thought too... Anyhow, I heard Hannah was skipping school today because she's out with some girl." Lilly started.

Usually I would zone out right about now but I needed to know what Hannah was doing that could be more important than her education.

"Apparently they went to the park, but that's all I know. I wish I knew who the girl is. I wonder if Hannah is gay." she continued, I laughed at how obvious it was, even though she wasn't gay but it was close enough to bisexual.

"I don't know, Lilly. Whatever her sexuality is, though, who cares? She's still our friend, right?" I shrugged and slowly moved away from her to finish as fast as I could so I could go and change out of my now sweaty clothes.

At the locker rooms, I took a quick body shower and rolled my deodorant under my arms so I would smell nice and fresh until I get home to take a proper shower.

Then, the worst thing ever happened. I was changing when I heard Jessica gasp and run to me.

"Talia!! Your neck!! Is that a hickey????" she half screamed.

I quickly put my hand over her mouth, "SHUT UP BEFORE SOMEONE HEARS YOU!"

"So it is!!!!!!!" she pushed my hand away and pushed my head aside making the now not so bright hickey on my neck show. "Wait. Who?" she raised a brow.

"Uhm, none of your business, Jess." I said as I pushed her away.

"I'll tell everyone you have a hickey if you don't tell me. I swear I'll keep it a secret." she pleaded.

"You're not telling anyone anything. You saw nothing." I patted her shoulder.

"Okay, fine. I'll find out by myself." She crossed her arms and left me alone.


When classes were over, I decided to call Hannah for two things. First, I wanted to check on her because it wasn't in the norm that she would skip school. Second, I needed to vent to someone and who else would be better than your bisexual friend. I picked up my phone and dialed up her number while I walked to the park.

After several rings, I was ready to leave a voicemail when I heard a 'hello' on the other side of the phone.

"Hannah! Hey, where are you? I was worried, you didn't come to school and all." I sounded more concerned than I actually was but I guess it couldn't hurt.

"I'm at the park actually, with a friend of mine. I needed a break." she laughed and then another familiar laugh emerged from near her.

"A friend? Aye?" I said teasingly.

"Yes, Tal. A friend. Just a friend. Look I have to go now. I'll text you later, bye babe!" and with that she hung up.

It's so unlike her. What's going on?

I knew what I was about to do was so wrong, but my curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to go to the park and spy on Hannah and her friend.

Two hundred meters down the road to the right was the entrance of the park. I made sure to wear my hoodie so that she wouldn't recognize me and stood behind the pole. I looked around a few times but to no avail, I couldn't find her. It was getting hot under my hoodie so I decided to go to the bathroom and fix my sweaty situation.

And yes, it was the famous bathroom in which Lauren and I kissed. It brought back many memories but everything was all bittersweet and I messed everything up between us and I knew I was to blame. It hurt. A lot. I regretted kissing Frank that night in front of her. I regretted cheating on her before that. I regretted everything.

My eyes teared at the thought of everything but I sucked everything in and pushed the door only to find Hannah and Lauren, against a wall, kissing.

Before I had the chance to escape, the door slammed behind me and both of them turned to me, shocked.

"I'm dreaming." I said sarcastically.

Hannah was the only person I told about everything that happened between Lauren and I even over the course of the past weeks.

"I come here to check on you but I find you with the pers-" I was cut off when Hannah started to speak.

"I swear, Talia, it's not what it looks like." she took a step closer to me and I took a step back.

"Save it." I looked at Lauren and now directed my speech to her, "I know I was a bitch but couldn't you be better than me?"

"You have the nerve to speak to her that way?" I heard Hannah say.

"Excuse your ass?" I looked at her.

"You kissed a guy while you were in a relationship, begged her for forgiveness and the next day you were hiding behind a tree kissing him again while she was there heartbroken and helpless watching you two. How do you have the guts to even look at her right now?" she let out a sarcastic laugh.

"You're really something Hannah Baker. And here I was caring about you. Fuck you, Hannah. Don't ever even think of speaking to me ever again." I turned around and left just in time because I couldn't hold my tears in any longer, and walked myself home.

ANNNNNDDDD there it was!! The double update I promised you all. School is starting so for all my readers who do attend school, I wish you the best of luck! I should be sticking to my Monday/Friday update schedule now since my holidays are over. Thank you for always keeping up to date with my story! Much love xoxo.

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