He reached into his jacket pocket to pull out another piece of paper full of notations, and as he did, he shifted how he was sitting so that when he reached past K to hand the paper to his father, she had to turn her head and lean toward Logan to keep her personal bubble mostly in tact. "These are the newest numbers, counted up not two hours ago," he told him.

Logan glared his way but took the numbers and nodded. "Kate, you'll need at least four quivers if you don't miss any. You bring enough?"

"I brought three," Kate said. "But if someone wants to steal me a sword, I'll make up the difference." She paused and gave him a look. "And I won't miss any."

"Can you handle a katana?" Daken asked, only partly straightening up.

"I'm better with rapiers, but I've trained with Logan a little," Kate admitted.

"Better than nothing, I suppose," he said with a snide tone. K turned her head toward him at his tone and gave him a sneer, but he just smirked at her and rested his arm behind her so he wouldn't have to lean back out of her space.

"You know," Noh said thoughtfully, his gaze toward Logan. "When I was hardly out of the genetics chamber, I began immediate training on how to become aware of my own body so that I could move about without running into others. Do you have nothing like this on Earth?"

Logan took a deep breath and looked from Noh to Daken. "Not exactly, but the school of thought I abide by usually ends up with broken fingers when you put your hand in the wrong place. Even if they're trying to see what they can get away with when someone's being polite." Daken's eyes drifted from K to his father before he raised an eyebrow and straightened up.

K glanced up at Logan and took his offered arm to lean his way as she looked across the table to Kate and raised an eyebrow just a bit and tipped her head Daken's way.

Kate met her gaze for a moment and nodded the slightest before she said, "I think I'll be able to see everyone fine, so please, keep your gang signs to yourself, and no posing for pictures."

"I'm sure we'll all feel much safer knowing you can spot trouble before it hits us," Kurt said, his arm around her shoulders, though he wasn't quite relaxed either.

"Then I think, if you're all finished, we should get changed and get to work," Daken said diplomatically. "Unless I'm misreading everyone — I believe getting this done and over with is in everyone's best interests."

"Agreed," Noh said with a small smirk. He stood up quickly and looked toward Logan. "I'd like to be home in time for our next dance class. I quite enjoy those, and I have the best dance partner."

K gave him a fond smile. "He's got a point," she said quietly in Logan's ear. "They're doing well, and you owe me a class, mister." He smirked and nodded his head.

"Sounds like a plan," Logan replied before he looked to Daken. "You know where to meet us. Be ready in half an hour." Daken nodded and stood up, only taking a moment to give Noh another good once over.

"I'm sure you're spectacular on your feet too," he said with a smirk before he stepped just around him and headed out. Noh watched him leave as the others got up, and they made their way back to the suite quickly. None of them wasted any time preparing for the mission ahead, as they all wanted to get it over with.

When they arrived at the rendezvous point, Daken was waiting as promised, and Logan checked in with everyone before they broke off into pairs, everyone with a bamf. Kate and Kurt of course were first to their chosen positions, followed shortly by Noh and K, who were quite simply chomping at the bit to get it done.

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