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"So, where are they?" Kitty said as she marched into the kitchen of the mansion, taking nearly everyone there by surprise. "I'm here to remove those bracelet inhibitors Mojo slapped on them," she added when no one seemed to know what to say to her question, looking between Kate and Jubilee expectantly — since they were the two closest to the door.

Kate was sitting on the counter, drinking her coffee and talking to Jubilee, but at the unexpectedly sudden entrance from Kitty, she looked up in honest confusion. "Um ... those things came off, like, a week ago. Forge figured it out. Didn't you know?"

"Oh," Jubilee said melting theatrically as she smacked a hand to her forehead. "I knew there was something I forgot to tell you. Sorry about that, Kitty." There was hardly any pause before she immediately dove into her next statement: "Oh, hey! Good news, Logan's making dinner tonight, so you should totally stick around for your troubles."

Kate narrowed her eyes and looked between the two older X-Men, absolutely sure that Jubilee hadn't just "forgotten" to tell Kitty about the bracelets, though what they were really up to was beyond her — for the moment.

"That depends on what he's doing," Kitty said as she took a seat at the counter. "Is it a fish night or venison?"

"Annie can't have the fish," Jubilee answered. "So do the math." Kitty grinned and nodded before she fixed Kate with a look — and Kate got the sinking feeling she suddenly knew exactly why Kitty was there.

"And how are you and the Amazing Nightcrawler doing these days?" Kitty asked.

"Going up to Alaska for the second dating anniversary in a couple weeks," Kate said easily. "Kurt won a bet, so he picked the spot."

"What was the bet?" Kitty asked, leaning over the counter toward her.

"He bet that he'd be the one to spot it when K said yes to Logan. You know. The official engagement," Kate said, leaning toward Kitty with a wide grin.

"Ah," she said, nodding slowly. "And Kurt spotted it. But ... there are no improvements on that front for you two?"

Kate tipped her head to the side and just slowly shook her head 'no.' She really didn't want to get into it with Kitty, especially this soon after the Mojo thing when she was more focused on feeling less icky than on anything else.

"I figured you seeing that K didn't die from agreeing to marry the man that loves her might have inspired some faith."

"Hey." Kate leveled a finger at Kitty. "I'm not getting married to anybody because you threatened me into it."

"What was my threat?" Kitty asked with narrowed eyes.

Kate just met her gaze for a moment. "He listens to you, Kitty," she said in a quiet tone, as if it should have been obvious that one of Kurt's dearest friends pushing something she wasn't sure she was ready for was a threat in itself.

Kitty shook her head. "Just ... you know what? You're right. I should find out if he'd even want to before I jump to conclusions." She switched to a softer smile. "Besides, I'm not here to give you a hard time. Sorry. I'm just a little - irritated and could totally use some chocolate."

Kate looked surprised at the total switch before she gestured to the fridge. "There's chocolate ice cream. I keep us in stock."

"Not before dinner," Kitty said. "That would be a terrible mistake."

"Suit yourself," Kate said as she hopped down from the counter. "I'm just... going to go check on the bamfs."

"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where I can find K would you?" Kitty called after her.

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