Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire

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It hadn't taken long at all for word of Logan and K's engagement to spread, and when Noh and Jubilee got back from their space honeymoon, they wasted no time in getting in on the excitement. Jubilee just about had a fit before she flung her arms around Logan's neck to kiss his cheek and then do very nearly exactly the same thing to K.

As for Noh, he just very seriously told K that if she should require a lawyer after her wedding day, he would gladly return the favor before he broke into a grin and a laugh and spun her around in a hug.

But with the two of them back, it didn't take Annie long to point out that they should have their poolside "meeting" to prep for the next fall semester at the school now that everyone on staff was in one place, and nobody argued when it meant a grill-out and swimming, anyway.

Of course, there really wasn't much in the way of "planning" or "meeting" while they were out at the pool, not just because everyone was more interested in swimming or in teasing both the newly married and the newly engaged couples but because, honestly, they were just going to reuse the same curriculum that they had used the year before — and the year before, and the year before.

Still, as everyone was getting hot dogs or burgers, Annie insisted that there was at least one matter of business that she wanted to get cleared up, and she was so persistent about waiting until she had everyone's attention that eventually they just had to let her say her piece so they could go back to swimming in peace.

Annie made a little noise as she cleared her throat and looked over the group before she drew up her shoulders and beamed at them all. "I'm going to need someone to take over my classes for a few weeks around January," she told them as Scott was completely unable to hide the grin behind her. She rested a hand on her stomach with a little smile. "I just hope there's room in the mansion for a little one," she said, watching their reactions for a moment as the assembled group — sans the two ferals, who were looking smug from their pool chairs — went from total shock to excitement in the space of a few seconds.

After that first beat of stunned silence, there was, of course, a flurry of congratulations and hugs all around in celebration of what Kate was already calling the "mini boss."

"Do you have names picked out yet?" Peter asked curiously — one of the first to get there and wrap up the Summers family for himself.

Annie and Scott shared a look for a moment before Annie just nodded. "Yes we do," she said, though her smile only grew when it became obvious that she wasn't going to elaborate.

"Will you share with us, or is it too early?" Storm asked with an openly cheerful expression.

"We wanted to save that for when he or she makes the big debut," Scott admitted.

"Then we'll be forced to speculate and offer our suggestions," Storm replied, smiling warmly as she reached over to pull Scott into a long hug.

Annie laughed at that. "You can try, but we've already picked names out."

"Then perhaps this will just be suggestions for future occasions," she answered, still with that same, ever-growing smile.

"Like tiny little Kree," Kate whispered in Jubilee's ear with a troublemaking grin.

"Or itty bitty demons," Jubilee returned. "Ones that end up saying more than 'bamf'."

Kate shook her head. "You first, Jubes. You're a married woman. Unless you want Kurt to get in trouble. He's a good Catholic, you know."

Jubilee rolled her eyes dramatically and pushed Kate's shoulder. "Is that going to be how this is going to go forever and ever? I have to do everything first?"

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