Episode I: The Damsels Are Not In Distress

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MojoVision is proud to present: The Amazing Nightcrawler and the Fearless Wolverine, making their return to MojoVision in a BRAND NEW season, filled with daring do and darling damsels in distress!

When last we saw our heroes, MojoVision provided, for your entertainment, an up-close view of the grudge match that is Sabretooth vs. Wolverine. Viewers will recall the heart-stopping horror when it was revealed this this time it's personal!

The shocking plot twist that Wolverine has fallen in love left our viewers thirsty for more and not to be outdone, MojoVision has striven to ensure that not only these fierce lovers but also the valiant sidekicks Nightcrawler and his purple-clad new lady in love will get to show their stuff!

When last we saw our heroes, they had defeated the fearsome Sabretooth, only to find that they were too late to save the lovely lady or were they? Yes, that's right, ladies and gentlemen and aliens of all ages, this brunette wonder is heartier than she looks!

The shock! A broken neck was remedied, and love did, in fact, win out!

It seems romance is in the air for Wolverine's best friend as well. Our viewers will remember the debonair swordsman's touching and gentlemanly exit with his own mysterious archer yes, guys and girls, everyone's favorite blue X-Man has fallen for the one and only prodigy of the great Avenger Hawkeye.

This new season of "The Amazing Nightcrawler and the Fearless Wolverine" features all the twists and turns and heart-pounding excitement that our viewers have come to expect along with the touching romance to span the ages. Literally!

Without any further ado, we present to you the first episode for your delectation and delight: "Damsels in Distress!"

When K woke up, she had to narrow her eyes as she looked around her. Nothing was familiar, but she didn't think she'd been hurt. She shifted a bit and froze when she felt the movement of fabric that she had not been wearing when she left before she looked down at herself and sat up quickly.

"Kate?" she called out as she took in her appearance. Tight bodice, big skirt, and it looked to her, as she glanced around the bed she was on and the room she was in, that they were trapped in some stupid story book. Stone castle walls, four-poster beds, long banners as decorations — and a definitely authentic, musty smell.

Not to mention the rose petals on the bed and floor....

When she got to a mirror, she let out a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush. "I'm not an effing princess," K said through clenched teeth as she took in the very medieval blue and silver dress and upswept hair that was clearly nothing she would have ever chosen for herself.

She looked across the room and just had to shake her head in irritation when she spotted Kate on the other four-poster in the room, laid out in the classic sleeping princess pose with rose petals in her spread-out hair and her hands resting on her middle. "At least they got her color right," K muttered, frowning at the purple bodice and dress as she rushed over to wake her up.

"Kate, come on, I'm not kissing you," K said as she gently shook her arm. "Come on."

Kate groaned softly and blearily pushed K's arm away as she sat up and looked around, though she woke up fast when she saw what K was wearing. "Why. The heck. Are you wearing that?"

"Do you honestly think that I would wear this? On purpose?" K asked as she gestured to the bodice. "I'm not .. no."

Kate just stared at her friend for a moment and then looked down at her own purple-laced dress and bared her teeth at it. "Whoever put me in this is going to lose their hands," she said, the distaste dropping from every word as she picked up some of the fabric of the skirt to glare at it.

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