Episode II: Dread Pirate Blue Tail

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Welcome back to MojoVision's "The Amazing Nightcrawler and the Fearless Wolverine"! This season promised our viewers the chance for a love story and adventures to span the ages, and it's certainly been that so far!

Our last episode saw our intrepid heroes face down a dragon yes, a dragon! in defense of their lovely ladies, who turned out to be dazzlingly resourceful all on their own. That's right, viewers. Those of you who saw our previous episode know that the mysterious K and the intrepid Hawkeye can certainly handle themselves!

Our daring heroes arrived just in time to aid their lovely ladies in the desperate bid to escape the clutches of a fiery death, but will that be the case this time?

In the second episode of our riveting installment, our heroes leave the safety of dry land and the homey comforts of Earth's Middle Ages and trade it in for something a little more dangerous and with foes who also know how to handle a blade!

When Kurt woke up again, he thought for a moment he might still be dizzy from whatever the gas had been, as it felt like the ground was pitching and rolling — until he was awake enough to recognize both the motion and the scent of the waves. His head popped up in surprise as he looked around their new surroundings.

He recognized the design of a good 17th-century pirate ship immediately, of course — and the clothes he was wearing weren't that far from what he'd worn at the Halloween party two years back, with a long coat and a hat to match.

Logan, on the other hand, didn't have the same long coat, but he did have an open-chested shirt and slops — and he looked completely unamused, having clearly woken up ahead of Kurt with enough time to take in their surroundings and decide he was done with them already.

Kurt took the hand that Logan offered to get to his feet and then sighed as he looked around the ship. "I don't suppose the girls are on the ship with us?" he asked, though he was sure he already knew the answer, since they seemed to be the only two around.

"When has it ever been that easy?" Logan asked, glaring out at the ocean around them.

Kurt let out a sigh and then shrugged. "I can always hope," he replied, looking around once more, this time out to sea to follow Logan's gaze. He couldn't see any sign of a ship on the horizon, and he let out another, longer sigh. "Do you suppose we should look for a treasure map? X marks the girls?" As he spoke, the two of them poked around their assigned ship, if nothing else just to make sure there were no surprises waiting for them. But thus far, there was no map — or any kind of navigational gear to tell them where they were.

"I wouldn't be against finding that for our treasure," Logan muttered with a little smirk.

Kurt let out a sigh and leaned back. "I'm leery of just picking a direction," he muttered. "We'll start a spiral search, ja?"

"I guess if the wind will cooperate," Logan said looking up at the mast — thankfully, the sea and winds were calm, but Logan was right; they didn't have that guarantee, especially not when Mojo was involved. "Not like we can do much just the two of us when we're stuck together." He picked up the arm they were connected with.

Kurt let out a small smirk. "I think I'll take the wheel, mein Freund." He gestured at himself. "I am the captain, after all."

When Kate woke up again, the first thing she thought was that wherever she was, it was not a rose-covered four poster bed in a castle somewhere. Even though, wow, did it feel like a similar costume, what with the super tight corset.

It was damp and musty, and the way the ground was moving underneath her probably meant a ship — at least, she hoped it was a ship and not an earthquake or something equally horrible — and when she sat up to take it in, she wasn't all that surprised to see the bars and the wood and rigging of a brig in a pirate ship, like something out of Treasure Island.

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