Intergalactic Lawyer

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As the night wore on, there were fewer and fewer people out dancing under the stars — especially since so many of the guests were heroes and had obligations to fulfil. David had just announced that this would be the last song before they sent off the newlyweds when the wedding was crashed by several well-armored and completely uninvited guests.

Anyone at the wedding who'd had dealings with the Kree recognized the armor of the Accuser Corp as the Kree forces glanced around the wedding and fixed their sights on the newlyweds. It had happened quickly enough that most of the guests were thrown off their guard, but it only took a second for everyone to get their feet back underneath them — and to get mad when a few of the Accusers outright grabbed both Noh and Jubilee to pull them apart from their dance.

As soon as Jubilee was grabbed, Logan darted forward with claws at the ready. "Let her go," he shouted at the Accuser pulling her back by the arms, and the Kree soldier turned to engage him.

It was a short battle, especially for how mad Logan was, and it was no time before he'd gotten his claws through the armor protecting the Accuser with a deep growl.

But that was as far as he got. As soon as the Accuser hit the dirt, Logan was immobilized in a stasis field — and nearby, Noh was frozen was well, caught with one arm pulled back for a strike and all five claws in sharp points for a slice that he'd never get to complete.

It had happened quickly enough that none of the others were close enough to react, and already, the Accusers were moving to take Noh into custody.

"Let him go!" K snarled out as she stalked forward. "Both of 'em!"

"Silence, Terran — this is none of your concern. Do not interfere with the carriage of Kree justice," sneered the blue-skinned Kree standing between Noh and Jubilee with a sneer. Those that had dealings with the Kree in the past recognized him as Ronan the Accuser. "All crimes against the Empire must be atoned, and unless you too wish to stand accused, you will stand down."

Every one of the remaining wedding guests seemed to shout at once, though K was closest and clearest for Ronan to hear: "What crimes? That kid is nothing but wonderful."

Ronan turned to K with a sneer. "Your associate is a traitor and a thief, and he will be brought to justice for his actions. But if he has deluded you into thinking otherwise, don't feel too bad — Kree are far more advanced than you."

"Maybe not as advanced as you think if you find it acceptable to wreck a wedding," K growled. "Barbaric, knuckle dragging behavior for such an advanced race."

For just a moment, an odd expression flicked over Ronan's face. "If not for other concerns on Hala, we would have arrived before," he said simply, waving his hands. "Enjoy the celebrations. We'll take our leave now."

"Hard to do without the groom."

"Let him go!" Kate shouted when it was clear that Ronan wasn't listening to K anymore, but to similar results.

Trying to help, Noh's little bamf friend teleported over in an instant to try to help his friend, but he couldn't reach Noh through the stasis field, and one of the Accusers booted him away as his fellow little demons growled in chorus.

But Ronan had simply turned from the group, and in an instant, he, the Accusers, and Noh had disappeared. The moment they teleported away, the stasis field around Logan lifted as well — and the whole thing happened in a matter of seconds.

"Where the hell did they go?" K demanded, whirling around to face the rest of the group. Every single wedding guest looked ready to kill someone — especially Logan, though he currently had his hands full with Jubilee as she was somehow fuming and falling apart at the same time, sparks flying from her fingertips as he held her tight. "I want to kill that son of a bitch right now."

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