Take A Breath

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Halfway through the flight back to Westchester, it was clear that Logan was once again back in his right mind, and he made his way up to the cockpit to pull K back.

The two little ferals headed for the very back of the plane and curled up, very quickly deciding that they needed a breather from everyone. Scott wasn't going to be happy about it, and neither was Annie, but it was important. And Logan could see that he had a whole lot of explaining to do ahead of him.

As soon as the plane landed, and the group exited the craft, Logan grabbed a bag he kept in the locker room and rushed off with K in tow. He barely slowed down when Scott called out to ask how the mission went. "It's over, the Samurai's dead. See you later," Logan called back as the two of them stepped into the garage, and moments later, the Harley roared to life with the two of them on their way out.

Scott gaped after the disappearing ferals for a long moment before he spun to face Kate, Kurt, and Noh as they deplaned. "What happened?" he demanded.

"Daken should not be allowed anywhere near K," Noh said calmly as he shook his head at the whole thing.

"He made a pass at K," Kate explained, and Scott went from looking like he wanted to go after Logan and K to looking livid as he spun her way.


"He won't do it again," Noh said. "Not if he wants to keep anything dear to him." He was already headed upstairs as Scott looked his way, and he shrugged. "He'll regenerate what he's lost, I'm sure. It was only a small explosion."


Noh shrugged again. "It's been my experience with him that he doesn't listen to even the most obvious messages — so I wasn't subtle."

"Good," Scott replied finally, though he still looked a little bit lost. "I need you all to debrief."

Kate let out a sigh. "Do we have to?" she said, just to get the look from Scott before she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Yeah, especially when those two ran off so fast."

"They needed to recover," Kurt said, shaking his head. "The Hand staged an ambush — there was heat involved."

"Were they going to capture?" Scott asked, falling into step with them as they left the hangar.

"It's hard to be sure. The Samurai died as a result of it, but Logan and Daken didn't," Kurt said with a slowly forming frown.

"There were no restraints that I could see, but then, no one could get close to either of them," Noh put in helpfully.

"Well, give me what you can," Scott said. "And I'll try to corner Logan when he gets back."

Once the briefing was through, Noh headed upstairs, slightly mollified after he'd had enough time since he'd blown Daken up — just a little bit. But it was hard to stay too mad when Jubilee had a bag of Twizzlers and was curled up with some of his favorite music and a Calvin & Hobbes book.

"You look wonderful," he said as he climbed in beside her to steal a bite from her Twizzlers.

"You're supposed to say something poignant that would surprise me?" Jubilee replied smoothly before she grinned up at him. "But that's a fair start. Keep going."

"And... you are the best thing I have seen in some time," he said, and when Jubilee raised an eyebrow at him, he just laughed and snuggled her from behind, answering her by very softly singing along to the music playing — "My baby don't care who knows. My baby just cares for me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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