Mr. Fisk Makes An Appointment

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Kurt tipped his head at Kate to catch her eyes for a moment after her fiction editor had left and he took a moment to smile at her. "What is it you're asking K to do?" he asked softly. "Is there some sort of problem you're trying to track down?"

"Just trying to make sure there's not a problem," Kate said off-handedly. "Don't worry about it," she added as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "If there is one, it won't be for very long."

When Kurt frowned a bit her way, K stepped a hair closer to him and tipped her head toward his shoulder so it would be close and quiet. "Die Bedrohungen haben nicht aufgehört," she half whispered. "Precautionary measures — she's thinking ahead instead of reacting."

Kurt's frown deepened, but he nodded slowly. "Gut. Halten sie sicher," he whispered back.

"Always," K said with a nod.

Kate looked between the two of them for a moment before she let out a sigh. "You two are cute when you're overprotective," she said before she threaded her arm through Kurt's.

"Then we must be adorable right now," Kurt told her as he covered her hand with his on his arm.

"Oh, very," she agreed, smiling. "So cute I'm thinking of taking you to more of these." She gave him a wicked, lopsided grin. "You just seem to enjoy them so much."

He gave her a little look. "If I did, I don't think you'd need your secretary to accompany you."

She laughed outright and shook her head at him. "Come on, you party pooper. There's still a few people I'd like you to meet, and then I promise we can have champagne and you can sweet talk me or something."

Kurt gave her another look but allowed her to take him through the party to speak with other members of her staff — and as always, she would look past them to K after every interaction to get either a nod or a shake of the head. And Kate was keeping track of everyone who got a 'no'. Anyone K was picking up anger from just from seeing her with Kurt? So did not need to be working for her, considering her plans for the future. She wasn't going to let anyone hurt Kurt, and she especially wasn't going to let it be for a reason as stupid as the simple fact that he wasn't human. That was just idiotic.

There was only one instance where K didn't respond to anything one of her editors said ... except to smirk. When the conversation ended and Kate had moved on to mingle, K crossed over to Kate, put her hand on her shoulder, leaned in and whispered. "He has a crush on you. He's angry ... but ... I don't think it's a problem."

Kate raised both eyebrows high and let out a little breath of a laugh before she nodded. "Yeah, that — that'll resolve itself. Thanks."

K smirked at her and shook her head. "No worries, Elf," she said as she peeked over to Kurt, who was watching the two of them with a pursed-lips kind of frown as it was clear he was starting to piece together what they were up to.

Kate was just chuckling at the expressions on both of their faces when there was a ruckus of a disturbance at the door. A group of well-dressed men was pushing its way through Kate's security and into the building, and Kate had to narrow her eyes when she recognized the man at the center of it — it was impossible not to recognize Wilson Fisk, after all — as they simply pressed their way past the partygoers to make themselves at home in her office.

"It's a good thing I keep everything at my home office," she muttered so low only K could hear, her eyes still narrowed.

"I think your security needs work," K said, watching the office door as several suited men stood guard outside it as if it belonged to their boss. "Maybe have your little friend in the metal suit help you out."

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