Episode III: Actually In Distress Damsels

Start from the beginning

"Not particularly, no," K said in disgust.

Kate came back with some water a few moments later that she handed to K. "Persephone's got me paranoid. Any poison in there?" she asked, holding two clay decorated cups.

K took a tentative sniff and shook her head gently. "I don't think so. I can't smell much of anything beyond the incense and perfumes, though, to be frank."

"Hey, we're letting the boys handle this one, remember? Might as well gear up for when we kick Mojo's sorry butt later," Kate pointed out as she downed the water. "Doubt it would do much for his ratings if we died of starvation or dehydration anyway, and I'm pretty sure I swallowed, like, a gallon of seawater in that storm."

"So what's the plan?" K asked. "Just ... sit here and be pretty?"

"You could always tell a thousand stories," Kate pointed out, pouring herself another cup, which she downed as quickly as the first.

"Of every dumb sonofabitch that crossed me crooked?"

"And how you enacted your revenge, yeah," Kate agreed. "Get him nice and scared for when we show up."

"Oh, but I'm just a harmless little harem girl, apparently."

"And pretty," Kate said helpfully. "Helpless and pretty."

K frowned and finally got up to look around the place. When she got to the tall, heavy doors that were closing them inside, she rattled them and shook her head before she tried to pop her claws and let out a pained noise and shook her hand out hard from the shock the bracelets had given her. "No claws allowed, apparently."

Kate was wearing a frown of her own as she watched K. "Well now we know what the bracelets were for."

"That doesn't mean we're stuck though," K pointed out. "There has to be something in here other than pillows and figs."

Kate nodded as she continued her search of the room, all but disappearing behind some of the cushions as only her legs were visible for a moment, determined to find hidden cameras to smash as well as anything useful. "After we escape this place, let's raid a market and get something non-Persephone to eat. Maybe we'll even feed the boys."

"Half starving to death and we have nothing but figs and dates; whoever concocted this scenario is just ...stupid."

Kate smirked. "Well if they let us have any cutlery, that's it. We win. Too easy. And heaven forbid we have any advantages here — considering we keep winning."

"Wonder if they'll bring us a burger if we feed each other."

"And fries and a milkshake," Kate agreed, thinking longing thoughts of something cold in the heavily-incensed room.

"That is definitely happening when we get back. Strawberry."

"It's a date, then," Kate said as she popped a date in her mouth and grinned at her own pun.

The first thought that crossed Kurt's mind was that perhaps he and Logan had washed up on a shore somewhere after the storm and the pirate ship, since he could feel the sand at his back and the sun on his face, but when he opened his eyes and saw no sign of the ocean — and saw that the two of them were wearing nothing but white pants and red sashes, along with the usual swords — he just let out a sigh and lay back in the sand for a moment with his eyes closed.

"I'm getting very tired of this," he muttered to Logan, who was beginning to stir beside him. When Logan just glared at the sand dunes for a moment in answer, Kurt got to his feet and flexed out the hand and arm that was no longer attached to his best friend. "Perhaps Mojo thought we were too slow to get to our princesses," he said with a slight smirk as he dusted some of the sand out of his fur.

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